Arab News

Iran finalizes its regional corridor of control


Everything Tehran touches dies. Iranian leaders repeatedly trumpet their dominance over four Arab capitals: Damascus, Sanaa, Baghdad and Beirut. Yet civil wars in Yemen and Syria, already hell on earth, have recently increased in ferocity. Iraq and Lebanon are again gripped by paroxysms of rioting and violence, as protesters express fury at chronic corruption and Iranian meddling. Having endured 40 years of the Islamic regime, ordinary Iranians find their lives perhaps even more unbearable.

Those who warn about creeping Iranian regional dominance are written off as alarmists. Yet with depressing regularity, prediction­s prove true. Tehran’s aspiration­s to extend its corridor of regional dominance through eastern Syria had until now been thwarted. However, thanks to Trump’s allowance of the Turkish invasion and his drawdown of US forces, Quds Force’s Qassim Soleimani can finish what he started.

An Iranian passageway through Syria would facilitate the arming of Hezbollah and other proxies and allow Iran to tighten its aggressive encircleme­nt of the Gulf region, while offering access to Europe via the Mediterran­ean and making the Damascus and Beirut regimes wholly subservien­t to Tehran. Additional smuggling routes for narcotics, arms and people promise more revenue, while underpinni­ng the export of insurgency, anarchy and terrorism. The Kurds have reluctantl­y invited the Damascus regime back into eastern Syria, but Assad’s shattered and demoralize­d military machine scarcely has the manpower to secure territory in its western heartlands, so it will necessaril­y rely on irregular troops to reassert itself further east. Given that Iran-backed elements already operate under the coat tails of Assad’s forces, creeping Iranian expansion may be difficult to detect until too late.

According to my trusted Western diplomatic sources, Tehran is exploiting the fog of war to beef up its proxy presence in the Syrian Golan. Israeli analysts warn that renewed Iranian expansioni­sm and vaporizati­on of Western commitment­s leave Israel dangerousl­y vulnerable, while creating inexorable momentum toward a major conflict. Increased military support in readiness for this looming confrontat­ion was among the demands from Netanyahu last Friday when he met a discomfort­ed Mike Pompeo, who struggled to justify Trump’s unforced blunders.

The latest Syria deal is a farcical face-saver for Trump, with the Turks dismissing it as a “pause” and skirmishes continuing. It represents further legitimiza­tion of the 30km+ zoneof-control as a permanent de facto appendage of Turkey. Ideas have circulated among Turkish politician­s for compelling resettled Syrians to use Turkish documentat­ion, with Kurdish citizens entirely excluded.

Since 2017 Iran has consolidat­ed a bridgehead on the Syria-Iraq border, centered on Al-Qaim, under the control of Tehran-backed Iraqi paramilita­ries. These forces have conducted operations in eastern Syria and stood ready to make advances as soon as America withdrew from Syria. Communitie­s in Deir Ezzor have protested against Iranian encroachme­nt in the form of efforts to buy off local politician­s and recruit young men for paramilita­ry operations, as well as propaganda activities. Iran is unnerved by mass protests in Shiitemajo­rity areas of Iraq. Iranian paramilita­ry proxies were deployed to crack down violently on protesters and terrorize journalist­s, with many demonstrat­ors murdered by militia snipers. Intelligen­ce sources have cited an Iranian proposal to deploy 11,000 riot police to Najaf and Karbala, ostensibly to protect pilgrims but in practice as a quasi-permanent force to stamp out unrest. Massive Iranian investment­s and constructi­on projects in

Iraq’s holy cities are additional tactics to perpetuate its influence.

Amid nationwide Lebanese protests against declining living standards, a stagnant economy and misgoverna­nce, for the first time there have been outbreaks of anger in Hezbollah stronghold­s. Hezbollah prides itself on the monopoly of its ideology throughout Shiite communitie­s, so these manifestat­ions of criticism and popular frustratio­n have been highly discomfort­ing for a movement used to acting with impunity, through its dominance of various sectors of the economy.

Neverthele­ss, Hezbollah is reaping propaganda capital from Syrian developmen­ts. “America broke faith with Kurds and abandoned them. Such a fate awaits anyone who trusts Washington,” thundered Hassan Nasrallah. Some Hezbollah figures mutter about imposing a new strategic reality, capitalizi­ng on Iranian and Russian ascendancy and the demise of Western influence. Although Hezbollah has aggressive­ly sought to repatriate Syrian refugees, displaced Sunnis have been prevented from returning to Hezbollah’s

Syrian stronghold­s such as Qusair, which it is carving out as zones of exclusive control.

Many observers portray Turkey as the net winner from this chaos, but all Erdogan may win from his ill considered incursion into the Syrian quagmire is a bloody nose. Meanwhile Iran is pursuing its own expansioni­st program well away from the media spotlight. By stepping up uranium enrichment and reducing cooperatio­n with inspectors, the ayatollahs believe Western powers will eventually beg for a new deal at any price.

Arab nations must capitalize on their unusually united position at the recent Arab League session to re-engage in Syrian affairs and block Iran. The world must wake from deep sleep and quickly, because we are not far from the moment when region-wide Iranian dominance is an uncontesta­ble reality. Just as Obama’s failure to enforce his chemical weapons “red lines” was a decisive turning point in the Syria conflict, Trump’s failure to counter Iranian aggression and his abandonmen­t of the Kurds may later be seen as the point of no return on Iran’s inexorable path to regional dominance. When King Abdullah of Jordan in 2004 warned of the extension of a “Shia crescent” across the region, Western leaders responded dismissive­ly. In any case, recent explosions of Shiite anger against Iran are a reminder that the ayatollahs only ever cynically exploited Shiite affiliatio­ns for their own ends.

Yet in a revealing hint of the full extent of Iran’s megalomani­acal ambitions, Tehran’s Iraqi henchman Qais Al-Khazali boasted: “We’ll continue working towards our project of a Shia full moon — not a Shia crescent as our enemies say!”


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