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Trump’s social media regulation push faces key hurdle at the FCC

- Reuters Washington

US President Donald Trump’s effort to regulate social media companies’ content decisions may face an uphill battle from regulators who have previously said they cannot oversee the conduct of internet firms. Federal Communicat­ions Commission (FCC) chairman Ajit Pai did not endorse Trump’s proposal on Thursday but said in a written statement “this debate is an important one” and added the FCC “will carefully review any petition for rulemaking.”

In August 2018, Pai said he hoped social media companies would embrace free speech but did not see a role for the FCC to regulate websites like Facebook, Alphabet’s Google and Twitter.

“They are not going to be regulated in terms of free speech,” Pai said at a forum. “The government is not here to regulate these platforms. We don’t have the power to do that.”

Another Republican on the five-member commission, Mike O’Rielly, expressed mixed feelings. “As a conservati­ve, I’m troubled voices are stifled by liberal tech leaders. At same time, I’m extremely dedicated to the First Amendment which governs much here,” O’Rielly wrote on Twitter. Trump signed an executive order Thursday directing the Commerce Department’s National Telecommun­ications and Informatio­n Administra­tion to petition the FCC to write rules clarifying social media companies’ legal protection­s under Section 230 of the 1996 Communicat­ions Decency Act. Former FCC Commission­er Robert McDowell, a Republican, wrote on Twitter that the review is “based on political #speech management of platforms. So many wobbly parts to this govt ‘nudge.’ I don’t see how it survives.”

Another barrier is timing. The FCC will spend at least a few months reviewing and likely seeking public comment before potentiall­y drafting proposed regulation­s. It could take a year or longer to finalize any rules, long after the November presidenti­al election.

Section 230 protects internet companies from liability for illegal content posted by users and allows them to remove lawful but objectiona­ble posts.

Trump wants the FCC to “expeditiou­sly propose regulation­s” to determine what constitute­s “good faith” by firms in removing some content. He also wants Congress to repeal the Section 230 protection­s. FCC Commission­er Brendan Carr, a Republican, said he expects the commission will seek public comment on the forthcomin­g NTIA petition to provide clarity on what “good faith conduct” by companies means and draw a line between permissibl­e and improper behavior. “When a final decision is reached, my hope and expectatio­n is that it will provide clarity about that line,” Carr said.

Twitter called Trump’s executive order “a reactionar­y and politicize­d approach to a landmark law ... Attempts to unilateral­ly erode it threaten the future of online speech and internet freedoms.”

Alexandra Givens, CEO of the Center for Democracy & Technology, said the order “not only violates the Constituti­on, it ignores 20 years of well-establishe­d law.”

 ?? Reuters ?? The government is not here to regulate these platforms. We don’t have the power to do that.
US President Donald Trump holds up a front page of the New York Post during the signing of an executive order on social media companies in the Oval Office.
Reuters The government is not here to regulate these platforms. We don’t have the power to do that. US President Donald Trump holds up a front page of the New York Post during the signing of an executive order on social media companies in the Oval Office.

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