Arab News

US says if no arms embargo on Iran it will seek UN sanctions

- AP New York

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo threatened to seek to reimpose UN sanctions on Iran if the UN Security Council does not approve a resolution that would indefinite­ly extend the arms embargo on Tehran, which is set to expire in October. Pompeo told a news conference at the State Department in Washington on Wednesday that without extending the arms embargo, “Iran will be able to purchase advanced weapons systems and become an arms dealer of choice for terrorists and rogue regimes all throughout the world. This is unacceptab­le.” He spoke ahead of a closed video briefing to Security Council members Wednesday afternoon on the US draft resolution to maintain the arms embargo by US Special Representa­tive for Iran Brian Hook and US Ambassador Kelly Craft.

Tensions between Iran and the US have escalated since the Trump administra­tion withdrew from the 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and six major powers in 2018 and reimposed crippling US sanctions. A year ago, the US sent thousands more troops, long-range bombers and an aircraft carrier to the Middle East in response to what it called a growing threat of Iranian attacks on US interests in the region.

The five other powers that signed the nuclear deal — Russia, China, UK, France and Germany — remain committed to it, saying the agreement is key to continuing inspection­s by the Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency and preventing Iran from pursuing nuclear weapons.

Lifting the arms embargo is part of the 2015 Security Council resolution endorsing the nuclear agreement. The Security Council is scheduled to discuss the resolution’s implementa­tion on June 30. Calling Iran “the leading state sponsor of terror,” Pompeo said the US focus is to work with the Security Council to pass the resolution.

“But, in the event that doesn’t happen, I would remind the world that the Obama administra­tion’s officials said very clearly that the United States has the unilateral ability to snap back sanctions into place,” he said.


Iran will be able to purchase advanced weapons systems and become an arms dealer of choice for terrorists and rogue regimes all throughout the world. This is unacceptab­le.

 ?? AFP/FILE ?? An Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency inspector visits the Natanz enrichment facility, south of Tehran.
AFP/FILE An Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency inspector visits the Natanz enrichment facility, south of Tehran.

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