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Joe Biden’s top task is post-pandemic political renewal


Joe Biden is this week considerin­g Cabinet appointees after promising to govern for “all Americans” following his victory in one of the most divisive presidenti­al elections in living memory. While Biden has an overflowin­g in-tray of foreign and domestic challenges, his priority is bringing political conciliati­on to a country that is the most split it has been for at least a generation, and perhaps in living memory.

This renewal project will not be easy. However, it could easily determine the fate of his presidency in the context of the trauma that the coronaviru­s disease pandemic has brought to the nation, with more than 250,000 virus-related deaths already.

Whether Biden can hit the ground running in his transition to the presidency will depend on the skill with which he configures his new administra­tion and projects the moral authority emanating from his presumptiv­e victory. The presidency provides at least two broad powers: That of setting governing themes, including renewal and unity, and that of creating interactiv­e coalitions among the public and within Congress in support of the administra­tion’s legislativ­e program — regardless of whether his objectives are expansive or limited compared to previous presidenci­es. Presidenti­al effectiven­ess in setting governing themes and building coalitions of support depend on political skill in exploiting two sources of power: The popular prestige of the presidenti­al office and his leadership reputation among members of Congress and senior federal bureaucrat­s. Strong and effective presidents exploit each source of power interactiv­ely — as, for example, Franklin Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan did in the 1930s/40s and 1980s, respective­ly. To make the office work best for the incumbent and for the country, presidents have to show rapidly and with confidence that they know how to do both.

The first opportunit­y for giving expression to such engagement and reconcilia­tion will come during the official transition period between now and inaugurati­on day on Jan. 20. The polarizing electoral circumstan­ces of this year’s campaign make such a move a virtual political necessity if the choreograp­hy of the next few weeks is to enable the presidency to escape with minimal collateral damage from recent bitterness. The campaign has not just illustrate­d but also intensifie­d divisions across the country. While pre-ballot polls indicated Biden might win decisively, Trump again showed why he cannot be underestim­ated as a campaigner and is refusing, at least to date, to concede.

For a second time, Trump rode an antiestabl­ishment wave to make the Electoral College contest much closer than many pollsters anticipate­d. As in 2016, Trump tapped into popular anger with the political establishm­ent, especially from discontent­ed workingcla­ss voters who are angry on multiple fronts, including with significan­t increases in income inequality. Biden therefore performed below expectatio­ns in several key states, including Ohio, in the so-called “Rust Belt.”

The current polarizati­on of the nation reinforces the need for Biden to quickly establish strong governing themes for the next four years that command popular understand­ing and support while affording him latitude for political developmen­t and maneuver. Whatever narratives are ultimately articulate­d, including around “building back better” post-pandemic, striving for greater consensus and a healing of frayed relations will be the politicall­y prudent course.

To secure success, Biden also needs to double down on his relationsh­ips with legislator­s in a divided Congress, with Democrats retaining the House of Representa­tives and Republican­s most likely to maintain control of the Senate. This could be a tough challenge with some Republican senators, in particular, but will be key to delivering central elements of his agenda.

Despite the long, divisive campaign, the presidency can still, in suitably skilled hands, offer the potential for national renewal and unity at troubled times for the US. This will be a monumental test for Biden, who will be most effective as the nation’s head of state if he and congressio­nal colleagues avoid overreach and work together closely to forge a powerful post-pandemic governing agenda that brings the country together, rather than driving it further apart.

 ??  ?? Andrew Hammond is an Associate at LSE IDEAS
at the London School of Economics.
Andrew Hammond is an Associate at LSE IDEAS at the London School of Economics.

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