Arab News

Leader of Baha’is in Yemen complains of ‘systematic’ Houthi repression

Bin Haydara was snatched from his workplace, subjected to psychologi­cal, physical torture that intensifie­d when the rebel group stormed Sanaa

- Saeed Al-Batati Al-Mukalla

The leader of the Baha’i religious minority in Yemen has accused the Iran-backed Houthis of systematic repression against his group since seizing power in late 2014.

Hamed bin Haydara told Al-Sharea daily newspaper that Yemen’s Baha’is had undergone unpreceden­ted, increasing levels of persecutio­n over the last six years, when the Houthis arbitraril­y detained dozens of the group’s followers, sentenced many to death and confiscate­d their assets.

“The Houthis are applying a policy of silent exterminat­ion of our cultural and social heritage. This is a type of systematic religious cleansing crime,” Bin Haydara said in a rare interview with the press. The Houthis are applying the same radical ideologies that they learnt in Iran, which deems members of religious minorities heretics, the Baha’i leader claimed. “There is no country in the world that has persecuted the Baha’is like Iran and the Houthis. There is a great similarity between persecutio­n against us in Iran and Sanaa, as both use the same methods of persecutio­n, rhetoric, rumors and lies against the Baha’is,” he said.

Bin Haydara said that he was snatched by security forces from his workplace, at Balhaf gas terminal in the southern province of Shabwa, in 2013, and had been subjected to psychologi­cal and physical torture that intensifie­d when the Houthis stormed Sanaa.

“The real systematic persecutio­n began in 2014, in Sanaa, and it has been on the increase since then,” he said, adding that the Houthi operatives involved in abusing Baha’i abductees were trained in Iran. In 2018, a court controlled by the Houthis sentenced Bin Haydara to death, ordered the confiscati­on of his assets and shut down the group’s religious institutio­ns. He was accused of apostasy, espionage and seeking to establish the religion in Yemen.

On July 30, the Houthis unexpected­ly released Bin Haydara and other five detainees, and expelled them from the country on a humanitari­an flight.

The group’s leader said they were forcibly displaced from the country, a move that caused panic among its thousands of followers who live in the war-torn country.

The roots of the Baha’i in Yemen go back to 1844 when a senior cleric arrived in the country through the then internatio­nally renowned Al-Mokha port, Bin Haydara said, adding that several thousand Baha’is live across Yemen.

“They hail from different components, classes and tribes of Yemeni society. They live in most cities and

provinces,” he said.

In Jan. 2015, Yemeni security authoritie­s accused a member of the group of having links with Israel. Bin Haydara strongly denies that, adding that Baha’is frequently visit sacred sites in Haifa and Acre.

“There is no relationsh­ip between us and any government abroad. We are loyal and patriotic Yemeni citizens,” he said.

Bin Haydara and the other displaced members of the faith group were currently living in “safe” locations in Europe, receiving medication for wounds and diseases that they contracted during their detention inside Houthi prisons. The Baha’i leader called for the rescue of at least 20 members of the group being prosecuted by the Houthi-controlled Specialize­d Criminal Court, who might face death. “Yemeni society is naturally coexistent and accustomed to intellectu­al, cultural and religious diversity. What is being practiced against the Baha’is nowadays completely contradict­s the nature of Yemeni society and Yemeni tribes,” he said.

The Houthis are applying a policy of silent exterminat­ion of our cultural and social heritage. This is a type of systematic religious cleansing crime.

Hamed Bin Haydara Baha’i leader

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