Arab News

Ethiopia pushes toward Tigray capital, rebuffs African mediation

Rebels say army of Abiy and Afwerki ‘inflicts heavy casualties on civilians in Adigrat’

- Reuters Addis Ababa

The Ethiopian government said on Saturday its forces had seized another town in their advance on the rebelheld capital of northern Tigray region, and rebuffed an African diplomatic push to mediate.

More than two weeks into Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s offensive, his government said Tigrayan forces were digging in and using bulldozers to plow up roads around the regional capital Mekelle, home to about half-amillion people.

Hundreds, possibly thousands, have died and more than 30,000 refugees have fled to Sudan. The conflict has spread beyond Tigray, whose forces have fired rockets at the neighborin­g Amhara region and the nation of Eritrea, spurring concern of a wider war and the splinterin­g of multi- ethnic Ethiopia.

Abiy’s government has said it will soon reach Mekelle after taking various surroundin­g towns. On Saturday, it said Adigrat had also fallen, about 116 km north of Mekelle.

The Tigray People’s Liberation Front ( TPLF) rebels said nine civilians had died in artillery hits on Adigrat where it accused Eritrea of backing the Ethiopian army. The army of Abiy and Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki “inflicted heavy casualties on innocent civilians in Adigrat,” the TPLF’s communicat­ions bureau said in a statement on Facebook.

The government and military could not immediatel­y be reached for comment, but have previously repeatedly denied targeting civilians, saying they strike only TPLF targets.

Assertions on all sides are hard to verify because phone lines and internet have been down since the beginning of the conflict on Nov. 4 and media are largely barred. Eritrea denies TPLF allegation­s of sending soldiers over the border to back Abiy’s offensive against the Tigrayan forces, who are also an old foe of Eritrea’s. Refugees and rights group Amnesty Internatio­nal have also recounted civilian deaths, though Reuters has been unable to verify those reports.

The African Union bloc has appointed former presidents Joaquim Chissano of Mozambique, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf of Liberia and Kgalema Motlanthe of South Africa as special envoys to seek a cease-fire and mediation talks.

Abiy, who won the Nobel Peace Prize last year for a peace pact with Eritrea, has said he wants to remove the TPLF leaders before talking.

“News circulatin­g that the envoys will be traveling to Ethiopia to mediate between the Federal Government and TPLF’s criminal element is fake,” the government tweeted on Saturday. Abiy accuses the Tigrayan leaders of revolting against central authority and attacking federal troops in the town of Dansha. The rebel leaders say Abiy’s government has marginaliz­ed and persecuted Tigrayans since taking office two years ago.

Abiy denies that, saying he is seeking only to restore law and order and preserve the unity of Ethiopia and its 115 million people. The UN and other aid agencies

have said the conflict is creating a humanitari­an crisis in Tigray, where many among the more than 5 million population were already displaced and relying on food aid even before the conflict.

Satellite images given to Reuters by US-based space company Maxar Technologi­es showed destroyed buildings lining the main road near the airport in Dansha, where the conflict broke out.

The TPLF is popular in its home region and dominated national politics from 1991 until Abiy took office. Abiy’s parents are from the larger Oromo and Amhara ethnic groups.

“We will do all that is necessary to ensure stability prevails in the Tigray region and that our citizens are free from harm and want,” the prime minister tweeted on Saturday.

 ?? AFP ?? Ethiopian refugees who fled fighting in the Tigray Region walk toward a border reception center in Sudan.
AFP Ethiopian refugees who fled fighting in the Tigray Region walk toward a border reception center in Sudan.

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