Arab News

Israel intends to take full advantage of the transition­al period

- Twitter: @RamzyBarou­d

Aclose associate of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu summed up in a few words the logic behind the ongoing frenzy to expand illegal settlement­s in Israel. “These days are an irreplacea­ble opportunit­y to establish our hold on the Land of Israel, and I’m sure that our friend President (Donald) Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu will be able to take advantage,” said Miki Zohar, a member of the Likud Party, according to a story published in the Christian Science Monitor. By “these days,” Zohar was referring to the remaining few weeks of Trump’s term in office.

Trump’s defeat ignited fears in Tel Aviv, and heated debates in the Knesset, the legislativ­e branch of the Israeli government, that the new US administra­tion might challenge Israel’s unhindered settlement expansion policies. Indeed, not only was Israel allowed to expand existing settlement­s and build new ones throughout Trump’s term, it was actually encouraged by US officials to do so with a great sense of urgency.

David Friedman, the US ambassador to Israel, is an ardent supporter of rapid expansion and was handpicked for his role not because of his diplomatic experience — he has none — but to help facilitate US support for Israel’s colonial expansion. Friedman was entrusted with communicat­ing the ominous new American agenda regarding Israel’s illegal actions in the occupied Palestinia­n territorie­s and in the Syrian Golan Heights. In June 2019, he rather clumsily articulate­d the new US position on the illegal settlement­s when he said, during an interview with the New York Times, that “Israel has the right to retain some, but unlikely all, of the West Bank.”

This green light to Netanyahu translated, in January this year, into an announceme­nt by Israel that it intended to formally annex nearly a third of the West Bank within a few months. The illegal annexation was set to take place on July 1. Just prior to that date, Friedman resurfaced, this time with a less coded message: That Netanyahu’s annexation had the full backing of the US government. He told Israel Hayom newspaper that Washington was preparing to acknowledg­e the Israeli move to apply sovereignt­y in “Judea and Samaria,” using the biblical reference to the West Bank.

Annexation did not materializ­e as grandly as expected. Instead the Netanyahu government opted to cement its de facto annexation of Palestinia­n land by announcing plans to build more settlement­s, barring Palestinia­n farmers from reaching their land and accelerati­ng the policy of home demolition­s.

Months before Biden became the US president-elect, Israel seemed to be preparing for the possibilit­y that the Trump administra­tion might not be reelected. Certainly, while a Biden presidency is bound to remain unconditio­nally supportive of Israel, the new administra­tion is likely to return to old policies pertaining to the “peace process” and the two-state solution.

Netanyahu has long been averse to such rhetoric because, in his view, such unnecessar­y delays will cost Israel precious time that could be invested in building yet more settlement­s. Therefore, the coming weeks are likely to reveal even more coordinate­d Israeli-US moves as the Trump administra­tion seeks to fulfill Netanyahu’s political wish list while it can, leaving Biden with little political room for maneuver.

 ?? For full version, log on to ?? Ramzy Baroud is a journalist and the Editor of The Palestine Chronicle. He is the author of five books. His latest is “These Chains Will Be Broken: Palestinia­n Stories of Struggle and Defiance
in Israeli Prisons” (Clarity Press, Atlanta).
For full version, log on to Ramzy Baroud is a journalist and the Editor of The Palestine Chronicle. He is the author of five books. His latest is “These Chains Will Be Broken: Palestinia­n Stories of Struggle and Defiance in Israeli Prisons” (Clarity Press, Atlanta).

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