Arab News

Iran opposition says Raisi victory shows regime weakness


A leading Iranian exiled opposition group on Saturday held a hybrid physical and virtual meeting it said was unpreceden­ted in scope, lambasting incoming president Ebrahim Raisi as a “henchman” of the regime whose election showed its weakness.

The event linked thousands of members of the People’s Mujahedin Organizati­on of Iran (MEK/PMOI) at their camp in Albania with supporters across the world online including US senators, British MPs and French lawmakers as well as protests in cities including Berlin.

The MEK, whose political wing is the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), is proscribed in Iran and seeks the “overthrow” of Iran’s clerical leadership. It accuses Raisi of being responsibl­e for the mass executions of thousands of its members in 1988. “The mullahs’ regime is at an impasse ... the Iranian people are nearing victory and will liberate Iran,” the NCRI’s President Maryam Rajavi told the event from its Ashraf 3 camp in Albania.

“We are standing at a watershed moment when everything is possible,” she added, referring to the coronaviru­s pandemic and Iran’s economic crisis.

She denounced the June election won in a landslide by the hardline Raisi — formerly judiciary chief — as a “sham” and predicted his victory would haunt supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

The elevation of Raisi showed the leadership wanted “to close ranks and preserve power” as threats mount, said Rajavi.

“But they have dug their own grave. They are like a scorpion that stings itself when surrounded by flames .... The expiry date for this religious dictatorsh­ip has arrived.”

She compared the election of Raisi to the declaratio­n of martial law in 1978 by deposed Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi “which had an outcome contrary to his

expectatio­ns” leading to the Islamic revolution. Raisi, who takes office in early August, is accused by the NCRI and internatio­nal rights groups of playing a key part in the

executions of thousands of opposition prisoners — mostly suspected members of the MEK. He is accused of being part of a four-man “Death Committee” that sent convicts to their death without a shred of due process. Most rights groups and historians say between 4,000 and 5,000 were killed, but the NCRI puts the figure at closer to 30,000.

 ?? Reuters ?? Supporters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran in Berlin on Saturday protest against the use of the death penalty by the Tehran regime.
Reuters Supporters of the National Council of Resistance of Iran in Berlin on Saturday protest against the use of the death penalty by the Tehran regime.

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