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Afghanista­n faces economic implosion after political collapse


Amid the millions of words that have spilled out across newspapers, social media feeds and news sites regarding the implosion of Afghanista­n, Ajmal Ahmady, the recently departed governor of the country’s central bank, may have offered the most pithy and accurate. “The Taliban won militarily — but now have to govern. It will not be easy,” he tweeted.

Even if the Taliban manage to temper the chaos they have unleashed, they will need to manage and revive an economy in freefall. Unless we are dealing with a new Taliban (don’t bet on it), they will be entirely unprepared to do so. As a result, we can expect Afghanista­n’s coming economic implosion to be possibly even more devastatin­g than the events of the past week.

To be sure, the Taliban will be inheriting a far from healthy economy and one that remains far too dependent on foreign aid. All told, about 75 percent of the government’s budget is underwritt­en by donors, according to the World Bank.

What is more, the World Bank also noted that the illicit economy — opium production, smuggling, illegal mining and the like — account for “a significan­t share of production, exports and employment,” and we have all heard the stories on state corruption. Afghanista­n ranks near the bottom of Transparen­cy Internatio­nal’s Corruption Perception Index.

President Ashraf Ghani, who fled the country last week, is a former World Bank senior official who co-authored a book on how to fix failing states. Afghanista­n’s economy under Ghani was not failing, but it was flailing, and laced with corruption and mismanagem­ent.

Still, before anyone gets into moral equivalenc­y arguments about corrupt mismanagem­ent by Afghan presidents from Hamid Karzai to Ghani and the corruption of the Taliban, let us remember that there is no comparison: The Taliban’s thuggery is uniquely cruel, no matter what smiling face the “Doha Taliban” chooses to present to the world.

It may also be fashionabl­e to dismiss the past 20 years as a failure, but the reality is that life was indeed improving for ordinary Afghans, especially women. Yes, progress was painfully slow and, yes, Western-backed Afghan leaders delivered far less than what Afghans deserved, while taking far more for themselves than they deserved. But the government had functionin­g institutio­ns — Ahmady’s central bank was one of them — and plenty of good people trying to do the right thing.

Now, the Taliban or some coalition led by them will be governing the country. Hollywood could hardly have written this script. On the 20th anniversar­y of the 9/11 attacks, the Taliban are back in power. But while pundits and columnists will write of the tragic symmetry and bookends of the past two decades, the people of Afghanista­n will begin to wonder how they are going to survive the next few months, possibly even the next few days.

Afghanista­n will likely face sharp and painful economic challenges over the next few months. After all, it is one thing for a government aid agency in Norway or Japan to offer assistance to the NATO and UN-backed government of Afghanista­n, but quite another to offer direct government aid to the Taliban.

A scheduled payment of nearly $500 million to Afghanista­n’s Treasury from the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund has been halted. Meanwhile, Washington has frozen $9.5 billion of Afghanista­n’s funds located in the Federal Reserve and other US financial institutio­ns.

Make no mistake, Afghanista­n faces massive state failure — a particular­ly tragic prospect for a people and country that have suffered for far too long. The Taliban are hardly wellprepar­ed to manage the deluge they — and the hasty US withdrawal — have created.

The militants have demonstrat­ed a canny ability to make money over the years through extortion, drug-running, kidnapping and other illicit means. One UN report said that the Taliban generate anywhere from $300 million to $1.5 billion from this line of business plus aid from wealthy donors.

But we have seen what happens to corrupt, badly managed states with deep ties to drug and criminal networks. Look no further than Venezuela, which has been imploding for the past few years. And, lest we forget, Venezuela has the largest proven oil reserves on Earth.

Ahmady was right. Winning the war may have been the easy part. Governing will be hard, and the Taliban offer the world little hope they are up to the task of leading competentl­y and justly to improve the lives of the Afghan people.

The coming economic implosion may not make for compelling television, but it will be just as consequent­ial and painful for the people of Afghanista­n.

 ?? For full version, log on to ?? Afshin Molavi is a senior fellow at the Foreign Policy
Institute of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced Internatio­nal Studies and
Editor and Founder of Emerging World newsletter.
For full version, log on to Afshin Molavi is a senior fellow at the Foreign Policy Institute of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced Internatio­nal Studies and Editor and Founder of Emerging World newsletter.

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