Arab News

Joint Libya force to protect water network

- AFP Tripoli

The UN on Thursday welcomed the creation of a joint security force from rival sides in Libya to secure the country’s water network amid sabotage threats.

“It is a very significan­t step forward toward the unificatio­n of the military institutio­n and the country,” the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) said in a statement.

Earlier this month, the water authority shut down a huge network of pipelines known as the Great Man-Made River for a week before restoring supplies.

The water network was closed after loyalists of Abdullah Al-Senussi, the jailed brother-inlaw of slain dictator Muammar Qaddafi, threatened to sabotage it unless he was released. Senussi, jailed in Tripoli, was sentenced to death in 2015 for his role in the attempted suppressio­n of the 2011 uprising that toppled Qaddafi.

The Great Man-Made River was one of the major projects of Qaddafi during his four decades in power. It brings water from undergroun­d aquifers deep in the Sahara desert in the south of Libya to settlement­s on the Mediterran­ean coast in the north.

Oil-rich Libya was gripped by violence after the 2011 uprising and split between the two rival camps, backed by foreign powers.

In October the rival sides signed a ceasefire in Geneva and an interim administra­tion was set up in March to prepare for presidenti­al and parliament­ary elections in December.

The joint security force comprises combatants linked to the government based in Tripoli and fighters loyal to east-based military commander Khalifa Haftar, UNSMIL said.

UNSMIL head Jan Kubis said the creation of the new joint force “will not only ensure the security” of the water supply, but also “pave the way for further confidence­building measures.”

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