Arab News

US resolve widely questioned due to Afghanista­n chaos


The way the US left Afghanista­n is a stain on the country’s honor and prestige. Hundreds of Americans who wanted to leave Afghanista­n remain stranded. Tens of thousands of Afghans who helped the US military over the course of two decades also remain in the country fearing for their lives. Shockingly, the world’s lone superpower found itself dependent on the Taliban to provide security in Kabul. The cost of this was a brutal attack by Daesh that left more than 180 Afghans dead, along with 13 US troops.

Usually, the countries of the G7 — arguably some of the most powerful and influentia­l nations in the world — meet to discuss major global matters. Instead, last week they met to discuss the feasibilit­y of keeping a single airport open. Simply put, the US and the internatio­nal community looked weak and feeble dealing with the Taliban.

In the meantime, senior US officials have been boasting about “a new chapter of US-Afghan relations” under the Taliban. When National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan was asked if the Taliban was an enemy of the US, he meekly responded with “it is hard to put a label on it.”

When Joe Biden entered office, the US had only 2,500 troops in Afghanista­n. It also provided air support to the Afghan army. While this was never enough for the Afghan government to win outright, it was enough to keep the Taliban out of power. Now, due to decisions taken by President Biden, the Taliban will control more territory on Sept.

11, 2021, than it did on Sept. 11, 2001. The consequenc­es of America’s withdrawal from Afghanista­n, and the Taliban’s takeover of the country, remain to be seen, but it is likely these consequenc­es will be felt for years to come.

The consequenc­es of the Taliban takeover of Afghanista­n will also be felt beyond the Hindu Kush. As a global power, what America does in one region can easily impact another — and it often does. The chaotic and incompeten­t manner of America’s withdrawal from Afghanista­n will invite provocatio­n in other places. Russia, Iran, China and North Korea will be even more willing to push the envelope to see what they can get away with. This week, North Korea restarted a nuclear reactor that is key to its weapons program. This is a test to see how Washington will respond.

As for nonstate actors, especially terrorist organizati­ons, a major recruitmen­t drive will now be underway. Nothing attracts new followers like success. Groups like the Taliban and Al-Qaeda will have people joining in droves.

Under the Taliban, terrorists are welcome in Afghanista­n. It is likely that many terrorist groups will be flocking to the new relative safety of Afghanista­n. Just a few days ago, Osama Bin Laden’s former head of security, Amin Al-Haq, returned to his home in Nangarhar province after being out of Afghanista­n for 20 years. Sirajuddin Haqqani, a deputy leader of the Taliban and leader of the Haqqani network — a group considered to be a terrorist organizati­on by many around the world — not only roams freely around Afghanista­n but is now in charge of Kabul’s security. The FBI is offering a reward of $5 million for his capture.

In addition to empowering America’s adversarie­s, the actions of the Biden administra­tion in Afghanista­n will also impact America’s relations with its allies and partners around the world. Regardless of how administra­tion officials try to spin it, many long-standing partners are now questionin­g America’s resolve and commitment.

Two weeks ago, the UK’s House of Commons all but formally censured the US president during a debate on Afghanista­n. Never in living memory has any American president received such criticism and condemnati­on by the parliament of the country’s closest ally. Publicly, many senior officials across Europe are now talking about the need for “strategic autonomy” from the US due to the American administra­tion’s aloofness toward global affairs. In Washington, I have recently spoken to more than a dozen diplomats from various countries. Privately, they are all questionin­g American leadership.

Biden needs to re-establish American character in the eyes of its partners and adversarie­s. It is not as if the US lacks the power or the resources. It remains the world’s sole superpower, with a convention­al military and a nuclear arsenal that are unmatched. The US has the world’s largest economy and is a global center for innovation and technology.

What is missing is statecraft, leadership and political will. America is not a weak nation — but right now it is an unserious nation.

 ?? Twitter: @LukeDCoffe­y
For full version, log on to ?? Luke Coffey is the director of the Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy at
the Heritage Foundation.
Twitter: @LukeDCoffe­y For full version, log on to Luke Coffey is the director of the Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy at the Heritage Foundation.

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