Arab News

Iran protests rage on streets as officials renew threats

- AP, Reuters Tehran

Protests in Iran raged on streets into on Thursday with demonstrat­ors rememberin­g a bloody crackdown in the country’s southeast, even as the nation’s intelligen­ce minister and army chief renewed threats against local dissent and the broader world.

The protests in Iran, sparked by the Sept. 16 death of a 22-yearold woman after her detention by the country’s morality police, have grown into one of the largest sustained challenges to the nation’s theocracy since the chaotic months after its 1979 Islamic Revolution.

At least 328 people have been killed and 14,825 others arrested in the unrest, according to Human Rights Activists in Iran, a group that’s been monitoring the protests over their 54 days.

Iran’s government for weeks has remained silent on casualty figures while state media counterfac­tually claims security forces have killed no one.

As demonstrat­ors now return to the streets to mark 40th-day remembranc­es for those slain earlier — commemorat­ions common in

Iran and the wider Middle East — the protests may turn into cyclical confrontat­ions between an increasing­ly disillusio­ned public and security forces that turn to greater violence to suppress them.

Online videos emerging from Iran, despite government efforts to suppress the internet, appeared to show demonstrat­ions in Tehran, the capital, as well as cities elsewhere in the country.

Near Isfahan, video showed clouds of tear gas. Shouts of “Death to the Dictator” could be heard — a common chant in the protests targeting Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

It was not immediatel­y clear if there were injuries or arrests in this round of protests, though Iran’IRNA news agency acknowledg­ed the demonstrat­ions near Isfahan.

They commemorat­ed the Sept. 30 crackdown in Zahedan, a city in Iran’s restive Sistan and Baluchesta­n province, in which activists say security forces killed nearly 100 people in the deadliest violence to strike amid the demonstrat­ions.

Iranian officials have kept up their threats against the demonstrat­ors and the wider world.

Iran blames Iran Internatio­nal, a London-based, Farsi-language satellite news channel for stirring up protesters. The broadcaste­r in recent days said the Metropolit­an Police warned that two of its BritishIra­nian journalist­s faced threats from

Iran that “represent an imminent, credible and significan­t risk to their lives and those of their families.”

The commander of the ground forces of Iran’s regular army, Brig. Gen. Kiumars Heydari, separately issued his own threat against the protesters, whom he called “flies.”

“If these flies are not dealt with today as the revolution­ary society expects, it is the will of the supreme leader of the revolution,” he reportedly said.

“But the day he issues an order to deal with them, they will definitely have no place in the country.”

A woman arrested on Thursday by Iran’s security forces has been formally charged with communicat­ing with and transmitti­ng informatio­n to a London-based television broadcaste­r Iran Internatio­nal.

The arrest comes amidst one of the boldest challenges to Iran’s clerical rulers since the 1979 revolution, with nationwide protests sparked by the death of Mahsa Amini in the custody of morality police for not wearing “appropriat­e attire.”

Fars, a news agency affiliated with Iran’s Revolution­ary Guards, reported that Elham Afkari was arrested as she tried to flee the country and that she was an “agent” of the Iran Internatio­nal broadcaste­r, whose officials could not immediatel­y be reached for comment.

Rights activists denied that Afkari had been trying to flee Iran and said she was arrested in the southern city of Shiraz, her hometown.

State media showed pictures of her arrest, in which she was seen with a large black blindfold over her face and seated in the back of a security vehicle with barred windows.

“Recently, the agent carried out numerous activities and actions in slandering the Islamic Republic, inviting youth to riot and creating terror among the people,” Fars said with respect to Afkari.

Saeed Afkari confirmed his sister’s arrest on Twitter, adding that her husband and three-year-old daughter were released after being taken in for interrogat­ion by Shiraz prosecutor­s, who filed the charges.

1500tasvir, a Twitter account with 330,000 followers focused on the Iran protests, shared a video of Elham’s relatives gathering in front of an intelligen­ce service office in Shiraz to inquire about her condition, and getting no answers.

Elham is the sister of Navid Afkari, a 27-year-old Greco-Roman wrestler executed in September 2020 after being convicted of stabbing a security guard to death during antigovern­ment protests in 2018.

Afkari’s family and activists have said Navid was tortured into making a false confession, accusation­s that were denied by the Iranian judiciary.

Since the execution of Navid, the Afkaris have faced several court cases over involvemen­t in the 2018 protests. Habib Afkari was freed in March 2022 after months of isolation in prison, while Vahid Afkari remains in solitary confinemen­t.

 ?? Reuters ?? Demonstrat­ors stage a protest following the death of Mahsa Amini, near the Iranian Consulate in Istanbul.
Reuters Demonstrat­ors stage a protest following the death of Mahsa Amini, near the Iranian Consulate in Istanbul.

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