Arab News

No sign of Iran’s protests dissipatin­g


The Iranian regime continues to employ brute force to crack down on protesters. But the people of Iran have been courageous­ly protesting against the clerical regime for nearly two months now. The persistenc­e of the uprising has given people a real sense of empowermen­t and optimism. This belief is cementing for many that the regime’s days are numbered and its overthrow is finally within reach.

Even if some argue that it is still too early to predict the final outcome, these developmen­ts are a clear game changer. The internatio­nal community should immediatel­y update its policies accordingl­y. The extraordin­ary and unpreceden­ted uprising conveys the increasing power of the population against a decadent theocracy.

This is a pivotal moment for Iran, the Middle East and the world community, all of which have long suffered from the regime’s viciousnes­s, terrorism, regional adventuris­m and nuclear threats. This is the time for change.

The world can no longer ignore the theocracy’s abysmal human rights record. Thanks to decades of brave resistance by the Iranian people, and particular­ly women, many in the internatio­nal community are now alive to the fact that these people have a legitimate right to overthrow a cruel, tyrannical regime that continues to massacre its people — as it did in 1988, when 30,000 political prisoners were murdered. The world should finally abandon a policy that has appeased the mullahs in Iran for four decades, unnecessar­ily extending their unbelievab­le reign of terror.

There is convincing evidence that the regime is losing the battle with the Iranian nation. Among the most persuasive is the fact that massive demonstrat­ions erupted less than 24 hours after the regime’s highest authority, Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, last month issued his boldest warning yet in a bid to intimidate the population into submission. People in many cities, including Tehran, Karaj, Shiraz, Tabriz and Arak, defied Khamenei’s warning and took to the streets with even more ferocity than before. Khamenei’s pictures and posters were burned and the vehicles of security forces were torched. Protesters clashed with security forces in scenes that have now become normal.

The latest protests also defied threats by another linchpin of the regime’s authoritar­ian character, Islamic Revolution­ary Guard Corps Commander-in-Chief Hossein Salami. The IRGC is now leading the suppressio­n and Salami recently claimed that the protests had been dealt with and everything was under control. His mentality cannot be simply dismissed as the musings of a fanatic who is out of touch with reality.

These are further signs of the sheer desperatio­n of a regime in deep trouble. Khamenei and Salami are the most powerful duo within the establishm­ent. So, the regime pulled out its aces but the protesters refused to be intimidate­d. That should be terrifying the regime’s supporters and suppressiv­e forces.

The uprising has now spread to many cities and it appears to cut across all sectors of society, even high school students, who are showing remarkable political courage and consciousn­ess.

Contrary to some rudimentar­y narratives, the IRGC is heavily involved in the suppressio­n. But its forces seem to be exhausted and demoralize­d. Recently revealed orders by the IRGC’s top brass, including Salami, to quickly crush the persistent protests are perhaps the best illustrati­on that the suppressiv­e machinery is running out of gas.

The nationwide uprising shows no sign of dissipatin­g, with protesters taking the fight to the regime’s security forces and defying bullets, imprisonme­nt and torture.

Undaunted by the misogynist­ic theocracy’s brutality, women have continued to lead the charge and their actions are becoming more audacious by the day. Resistance units affiliated with the main opposition group, the National Council of Resistance of Iran, are playing a key role as well. Khamenei, President Ebrahim Raisi, Salami and many Friday prayer leaders have all previously openly expressed concern and exasperati­on over the influence and impact of the opposition, which is evident in the protesters’ chants nationwide.

Every murdered protester’s funeral continues to be a rallying cry, ensuring the protests’ longevity. According to religious and cultural rituals in Iran, people mourn on the 40th day after a person’s death. This is a nightmare for a regime that has killed hundreds of protesters so far. Every death becomes a rallying cry, further eroding the regime forces’ confidence and morale.

It is incumbent on the internatio­nal community to go beyond verbal condemnati­on and even symbolic sanctions. All European ambassador­s must be recalled from Tehran. Diplomatic ties need to be severed immediatel­y. Internatio­nal mechanisms to hold the regime accountabl­e for its crimes must be activated.

The world community must recognize the rights of the Iranian people to use any means available to them to defend themselves against the state crackdown. The winds of change seem to be blowing in Iran. The world must embrace it.

Every murdered protester’s

funeral continues to

be a rallying cry, ensuring the protests’


It has become

prominent because of the reduced appetite of EU countries to do business

with Russia

 ?? ??
 ?? Dr. Majid Rafizadeh is a Harvard-educated IranianAme­rican political scientist.
Twitter: @Dr_Rafizadeh ??
Dr. Majid Rafizadeh is a Harvard-educated IranianAme­rican political scientist. Twitter: @Dr_Rafizadeh

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