Arab News

The West is waking up to the Iranian threat — now what?


During last week’s Manama Dialogue, I was struck by some unusually strident statements from Western officials regarding the geopolitic­al threat emanating from Iran. Comments from the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, deserve quoting at length. She said: “Several Gulf countries have been warning for years about the risk that Iran feeds rogue nations around the world with drones. It took us too long to understand a very simple fact that while we work to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, we must also focus on other forms of weapons proliferat­ion, from drones to ballistic missiles. It is a security risk, not just for the Middle East but for us all.”

These remarkable comments tacitly acknowledg­e how the West systematic­ally chose to ignore warnings about Iran’s ballistic missile and drone programs, and the threat posed by Iran-sponsored region-wide paramilita­ry armies.

What has changed is that, in recent weeks, Iranian drones and missiles have been used to annihilate the power facilities and civilian infrastruc­ture of a European state, Ukraine. Alongside the significan­t casualties, tens of millions of people are likely to go without heating and electricit­y over the winter period as a direct result of Iranian weapons programs.

As US Undersecre­tary of State for Defense Colin Kahl reminded audiences in Bahrain: Iran’s nuclear activities are now “at their most advanced state ever.” Tehran has been allowed to build up its arsenal of weapons and distribute these to its proxies “despite years of sanctions.” Iranian drones and missiles have been used to attack Gulf shipping — in recent days including missile strikes against an oil tanker in the Gulf of Oman.

Iran possesses by far the largest programs in drones and ballistic and cruise missiles in the region. Experts worry that the lessons

Iran learns from seeing these weapons used in anger against civilians in Ukraine will allow it to increase their accuracy and lethality.

In Bahrain, US National Security Council official Brett McGurk described a “sea change in how the world looks at Iran” in recent weeks. “Iranian-supplied weapons threaten the entire region,” British Foreign Secretary James Cleverly told the Manama Dialogue — as if revealing a hidden truth that his government had only just discovered. He added:

“The regime has resorted to selling Russia the armed drones that are killing civilians in Ukraine.” Full marks for stating the obvious — but what will the consequenc­es be for Tehran’s theocracy? Without just criticizin­g for the sake of criticizin­g, we have a right to know whether or not the West possesses any actual strategy for confrontin­g Tehran.

In questions I posed to European officials — including Finnish and German foreign affairs ministers — about specific action that could be taken, there was notable evasivenes­s, beyond recent sanctions against Iranian officials involved in the violent repression of protesters.

The export of weapons from Iran violates internatio­nal sanctions, so the internatio­nal community is obliged to take action to prevent such movement of arms, including potential measures such as controls on non-civilian flights between Iran and Russia or the indictment of both states for war crimes. European states could furthermor­e downgrade or halt diplomatic ties with Iran or halt flights and commercial activities.

In defiance of all expectatio­ns, protests have continued throughout Iran after more than two months. If anything, the unrest is becoming more violent and entrenched, with several hundred killed, including at least 58 children.

Some 15,000 people have been arrested and several of these have already been sentenced to death — yet this has scarcely deterred the courageous protesters, who will settle for nothing less than toppling the regime. Hardliners like Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami have encouraged the widespread use of the death penalty, demanding that the judiciary acts “against all these criminals.”

I asked several Western officials why the internatio­nal community was not doing more to support the protesters and, in many cases, the response was that this would allow the regime to claim that the uprising was foreignbac­ked. Yet the regime is constantly alleging this anyway, so what difference would this make?

Now that Western officials are beginning to acknowledg­e the threat that Iran poses, their goal should not merely be behavior change. There have now been two decades of consolidat­ed diplomatic efforts to halt the regime’s military nuclear program, and what has this achieved? The regime is on the cusp of building atom bombs, negotiatio­ns have broken down altogether and cooperatio­n with the Internatio­nal Atomic Energy Agency has virtually ceased.

A big problem is that, despite all the effusive Western pledges of “partnershi­p” on show in Manama, the repeated breaking of commitment­s has severely damaged the trust of Gulf states. Actions, not words, is the only way this can change. Among such examples of tangible action were initiative­s discussed in Manama by Gen. Michael Kurilla, commander of US Central Command. Kurilla talked about the planned deployment of a fleet of more than 100 unmanned marine vessels to patrol the seas, as well as a pilot program for targeting enemy drones.

Does the West really believe that

Tehran will stop selling missiles and drones to Russia when this regime has a record of exporting weapons to militants, insurgents and pariah regimes throughout Africa and Asia? It likewise beggars the imaginatio­n to think how Iran’s military sector will invest this huge cash windfall from the Russians and other clients.

The West should fully commit to the objective of toppling this criminal, terrorist regime. The region, the world and the Iranians themselves will not know stability as long as these brutal theocrats remain in power.

It is heartening to hear senior Western officials beginning to acknowledg­e this reality. Now enough of the empty rhetoric. What are they actually going to do about it?

We have a right to know

whether or not the West possesses any actual strategy for confrontin­g


As is routine, Iranian officials were ready with justificat­ions for

their failure to take advantage

of this event

 ?? ??
 ?? For full version, log on to ?? Baria Alamuddin is an award-winning journalist and broadcaste­r in the Middle
East and the UK. She is editor of the Media Services Syndicate and has interviewe­d numerous
heads of state.
For full version, log on to Baria Alamuddin is an award-winning journalist and broadcaste­r in the Middle East and the UK. She is editor of the Media Services Syndicate and has interviewe­d numerous heads of state.

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