Arab News

Indonesia, Malaysia warn of Mideast escalation, distractio­n from Gaza war

Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur are two of the most vocal supporters of Palestine in Asia

- Sheany Yasuko Lai

Indonesia and Malaysia have warned of escalating tensions in the Middle East and Israel’s attempts to use them to deflect attention from its deadly war on Gaza.

Fears of a regional conflict have grown since an Israeli airstrike destroyed an Iranian Consulate building in Damascus earlier this month, killing 13 people, including two Islamic Revolution­ary Guard Corps commanders.

In retaliatio­n, Iran launched explosive drones and fired missiles at Israel late on Saturday — its first direct attack against the country from Iranian territory.

Following the attack, Indonesia and Malaysia called for restraint to prevent escalation in the Middle East.

“Indonesia is deeply concerned over the escalation of the situation in the Middle East and calls on all parties to exercise restraint,” the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement on Sunday evening.

“Indonesia urges the UN Security Council to act immediatel­y to de-escalate tensions and continue working towards lasting peace in the Middle East, including by ending the illegal occupation of Palestine and various violations of internatio­nal law by Israel.” Indonesia also called for a “just settlement” for Palestine through a two-state solution, which “will be the key to maintainin­g regional security,” the ministry said.

Israel’s strike in Syria and Iran’s subsequent retaliatio­n over the weekend took place against the backdrop of the onslaught on Gaza, which has killed over 33,700

Palestinia­ns and displaced around 1.9 million people.

One of the staunchest supporters of Palestine, the Indonesian government has repeatedly called for an end to Israeli occupation of Palestinia­n territorie­s and for a two-state solution based on pre-1967 borders. Since the beginning of Israel’s military operation in Gaza in

October, Jakarta has also been vocal on the internatio­nal stage, demanding an end to military support and weapons sales to Tel Aviv.

Neighborin­g Malaysia, also a vocal supporter of Palestine, warned that any further form of provocatio­n or retaliatio­n could ignite a regional conflict “that will not serve the region nor the Palestinia­n cause,” Foreign Minister Mohamad Hasan said in a statement.

“The internatio­nal community is also reminded not to lose sight of the objective of ensuring the freedom of the Palestinia­ns and their rights to their own lands. Any distractio­n from this objective is what Israel wants, which is to deflect the global community’s attention from their nefarious, inhumane and unconscion­able acts in Palestine,” he said.

“Malaysia reiterates that the main objective is to find peace and a permanent solution to the plight of the Palestinia­n people and not widen the conflict.”

 ?? AP/File ?? Indonesia has urged the UN Security Council to act immediatel­y to de-escalate tensions and continue working towards lasting peace in the Middle East.
AP/File Indonesia has urged the UN Security Council to act immediatel­y to de-escalate tensions and continue working towards lasting peace in the Middle East.

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