
Do I have what it takes to anartist? be


We have heard so much about what it takes to be an artist-the creativity, the talent and the colourful life. But what does being an artist really mean?

Firstly, let’s be clear about the two words, “artist” and “artiste”: “Artist” is English while “artiste” is French. Some people treat both words as synonyms but it is useful to differenti­ate between them. The first word, “artist” refers to any person who either creates, practises or works on the art. On the other hand, “artiste” is used particular­ly for artists who demonstrat­e their skilled art in public like dancers, actors and singers. Here we will use the term “artist” to highlight the first group of people.

Life as an artist is not as easy as many would imagine it to be, as there are many aspects to consider. The term “artist” is an ambiguous one, and can mean many things. Anyone from an author to a painter can be referred

to as an artist. Art, being a creative subject, covers an extremely wide and varied range of topics. All you have to do is to dig deep and find out where your passion lies. This is because the biggest driving force behind art is passion. Loving what you do will keep you motivated to realise your ambition to be an artist and also to continue being an artist, regardless of the pitfalls and rejections you may face. What your potential career options are and what you will have to do to realise any of these choices are important questions you must ask yourself, before deciding on the type of artist you want to be.

There are various types of artists, such as Fine Artists, Multimedia Artists, Animators and even Art Directors. You need to find the shoe that fits you because not many artists can do everything at the same time with great satisfacti­on. Artists communicat­e ideas, thoughts or feelings through art, using a variety of methods such as sculpting, painting or illustrati­ng. Some of the tools used in their artwork include watercolou­rs, oils, acrylics, pencils, pen, pastels, plaster, clay and even computers. Their works can include special effects which may be realistic, abstract or stylized

when depicting objects, people, sceneries, nature, special occasions or events.

The art industry is a harsh and competitiv­e one. You will confront and manage as many challenges as anyone else in other industries and it requires gumption, hard work and integrity to succeed. The most important trait that needs special mention to embark on such a career is thus your passion for your art. coupled with relevant training in creative arts (whichever type of artist you may aspire to be) will enhance your chances of pursuing your dream career. Think about achieving a diploma or a degree in fine art, graphic design, or any area of your interest in the arts. To know more about the different forms of art, take up art lessons and learn as much of the trade as you can. Discover new ideas, experiment with new methods of expression, seek out opinions on your artistic works, and learn from criticism. The National Arts Council provides support for budding artists. They have a framework of grants in place (see Some of the essential ones include:­nfosheet.pdf grant but offers more holistic support for youth who need more guidance beyond funding. sg/arts-you/for-everyone/youth/pocket-rocket

to get youth participat­ing in the arts by offering showcase platforms, as well as other programmes including mentorship and funding support for youth arts platforms (noise Movement). http://www. noisesinga­­ent/

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