
MINUTES FROM DANGER When business comes over safety


A key piece of safety hardware was missing

Instead of fully ou i ing the aircra with all the safety features required, Boeing marketed a couple as optional add-ons, in an effo to gain more profits. Naturally, low-cost flights, like the two that perished, did not have these features.

Pilots trained for the 737 MAX on an iPad

According to Denis Tajer, the spokesman for the Allied Pilots Associatio­n with American Airlines, his 737 MAX training comprised a one-hour session on an iPad and… nothing else. No simulator training was apparently required.

Boeing ce ifies its own planes to be fit to fly

Citing lack of budget, the Federal Aviation Administra­tion passed the majority of the steps in the safety ce ification process of Boeing airplanes to Boeing itself. Yes, you read that right. Naturally, Boeing fasttracke­d the process.

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