Expat Living (Singapore)


USING MOODBOARDS Have you ever thought about embarking on a redecorati­ng project only for your ideas to circle around in your head, leaving you with no idea where to start? Inspiratio­n overload is one reason why moodboards are really important – especiall


What they do

Moodboards focus ideas and helps you stick to your desired look and style. They are a great reminder of what you need to do, which colours you are working with, and what textiles and patterns suit your style. So many of my clients complain about going out and shopping and buying things that just don’t suit, so having a reminder helps keep you on track when purchasing. A lot of money and time is saved, which is always a good thing.

Where to start

I’m always asked how to start the process – my personal approach is practical and fun. The type of renovation determines how many boards you have. For instance, for a new kitchen or bathroom, I would suggest two boards: a concept board that helps define your style, and a second board for practical considerat­ions such as materials and finishes. If, however, you are purely styling – for instance, creating a new look for your living room – you only need the concept board. Before you begin, you need to assess the particular room; what’s working for you? What isn’t? How many people do you need seats for? Will the room be mainly used at night? How many windows are there? Where are the power sockets? All of this will give you a starting point and list of requiremen­ts to start your boards.

Types of moodboards

The concept board will feature your creative influences. If you don’t know where to start, create a Pinterest board of the rooms you like; then, once you have around 20 to 30 images, you can take a look through them all and figure out their main characteri­stics. It could be colour, pattern, style – it may even be a type of wood that seems to feature most in your selections. This will help you view your current room in a new light and define the style you want to go with.

A moodboard can be a physical, tactile board or, more commonly nowadays, digital. I work mostly with digital moodboards, as they allow me to work with clients overseas or in regional cities via my online interior design service. However, I always make sure that I’m suggesting items that can be sourced locally to my client.

Final things

At the end of a project, look back at your boards and learn from them: were you too ambitious? Are you naturally drawn to things that are too expensive? Or are you being too safe? Add a surprise into the mix.

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