Expat Living (Singapore)

In Singapore

Whether you relocated on your own or you’ve been unintentio­nally thrown into the singles scene through the breakdown of a relationsh­ip, dating in an unfamiliar country can be both exciting and daunting. We spoke to two expat ladies who are discoverin­g jus


Penny*, in her early 40s, found herself single again after ten years of marriage.

“I moved to Singapore five years ago with my husband, but after ten years of marriage he decided that being married wasn’t what he wanted. Though we separated last August, I really only hit the scene in March this year.”

Susan* broke up with a long-term boyfriend in her 20s and has been single for just over a year.

“I was in a relationsh­ip from my late teens into my midtwentie­s. I’ve lived in Europe and the US, but I was always in this same relationsh­ip.”

How have you found dating in Singapore?

Penny: There are men out there, although you may have to look hard for them, and fight other women off! It also depends on what you want; it can be very transient – people come and go from Singapore. This can be great as you never have to run into them again, but if you are looking for “Mr Big” it’s a harder game to play. There also seem to be a lot of younger guys out there who are into older women – something I wouldn’t say no to! Susan: I’m a rookie, so I’ve only been on a handful of dates, and all of them have gone quite well. The guys were really nice, and we had the same interests so the conversati­on was good. But I didn’t fancy any of them, which is a pity.

Singapore is small, so your single friends may well end up dating the same guy you’ve dated. It has happened to me, but as there was no real connection on the date anyway it wasn’t an issue. If you’re both on the same page, some guys can actually become your friends in the long run, which is also cool.

Where are the hot spots for singles in Singapore?

Penny: I’m still fairly old-fashioned, and I think you can meet someone through friends and social networks, although I’ve also dated men I’ve met in bars here. Club Street is always full of office workers on a Friday night, and there are always lots of people in Boat Quay, which is not as touristy as Clarke Quay.

Any tips on which dating apps to use?

Penny: I’ve been on two dates through the Tinder app, and I’ve been lucky as both were good – and “normal”! You do get connected with some odd people, but you can just un-match with them. I’ve had some interestin­g matches on Tinder, where guys wanted to know if I was into bondage, or they were married and here on work, and wanting to hook up!

I also met a guy on Tinder who was here on holiday; three months down the track, we’re still talking and have seen each

What are the best and worst things about being single in Singapore?

Susan: I haven’t discovered the worst thing yet – I’m still having fun; however, my single girlfriend­s often complain that most men come here with their partners, or that it’s very hard to find someone who lives here and isn’t just stopping by on business. The best thing is that, if you’re looking for fun, Singapore has great nightlife, with some very attractive profession­al men!

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