Expat Living (Singapore)



Celebrate Easter with a beautiful vase of longifloru­m lilies incorporat­ing contorted willow and decorative hanging eggs. This traditiona­l Easter lily is the perfect choice for home decoration during this season.

The blooms are characteri­sed by their elegant long green stems, and beautiful bell- shaped white flowers. When selecting longifloru­m, buy ones with a few buds that are just beginning to open. These flowers can be used in various ways; here’s an example of how you can create a stunning Easter design in your home.


Fill the vase about threequart­ers full with roomtemper­ature water and add the cut flower food. Start by adding the contorted willow, measuring against the side of the vase before cutting. These twigs should be higher than the flowers. Glass vase: IKEA has a good selection from $10, and Far East Orchid at Thompson Road also has a decent range. Flower food sachet: Far East Flora on Thompson Road sells packs of sachets for $2.50. Sharp scissors: florist scissors are available at Far East Flora, or alternativ­ely Daiso sells garden scissors for $2. Ten stems of longifloru­m (or “longi”) lilies: available from Far East Flora or your local florist (approximat­ely $30). Contorted willow bunches: available from Far East Orchid or Garden centres at approximat­ely $10 a bunch. Decorative hanging eggs: available from Spotlight, Cold Storage or Bed Bath N’ Table (approximat­ely $6.90 for six). Carefully handle the delicate lilies, gauging how much of the stem you need to cut off by holding it against the vase and cutting at a 45-degree angle. Remove the lower leaves that will be below the waterline and place the stem in the vase. Continue with the remaining stems, placing the blooms with their bellshaped heads facing outwards. The stems in the middle can be slightly taller. Turn the vase while placing your stems to ensure it’s evenly shaped all around.


When you’re happy with the shape and height of the flowers, hang your decorative eggs on to the contorted willow, spacing them evenly throughout the design. As the flowers open, remove and dispose of the pollen anthers with a tissue as this pollen can stain hands, clothes and surfaces. Place the vase in a cool place out of the sun, and change the water every couple of days. The lilies should last from ten days to two weeks.

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