Expat Living (Singapore)

Real Homes:

We chat to PRABHA SAHA about why her family loves living in this Nassim Hill apartment, and which are her go-to furniture and décor shops in Singapore.


Why this family loves its Nassim Hill condo

This time it’s for good!” says Prabha about her family’s current stint in Singapore – their third. “We moved here first in 1996, when Jyotirmoy and I were just married. We literally grew up here as a couple.” With subsequent moves to Kuala Lumpur, where their daughter Aditi was born, Mumbai, where son Arnab was born, and a short stint in the US, they’ve experience­d their fair share of internatio­nal postings.

They arrived in Singapore for the third time in 2008, living initially in the River Valley area until their move to this Nassim Hill condo in March this year. “River Valley is convenient, but it’s getting so noisy, the roads are really congested, and the area is a bit of a mess with all the building,” says Prabha.

Looking for a quieter alternativ­e, they came across this condo hidden behind Cluny Road. “We really like this place; it’s so peaceful, and it’s just a few minutes’ walk to the Botanical Gardens, where my son loves to feed the fish.” The condo has just two blocks, with extensive grounds, a children’s garden, a pool and tennis courts. “There’s plenty of wildlife too – we sometimes even get hornbills coming to sit here on the balcony,” explains Prabha, as we look out over the unobstruct­ed skyline.

Of the apartment’s five bedrooms, two have been reconfigur­ed for different uses: one is an office and the other a family room. “I don’t need five bedrooms, but at the same time if we have guests, which we often do, I want the option of having more space.”

The office can also double as a room for guests, although it’s more often used by Jyotirmoy when he’s working at home. Jyotirmoy is the founder of August Media Holdings (AMH) and Prabha is its vicepresid­ent; together, they’ve been busy building up the company’s portfolio of kids’ and youth content. The company boasts a rich library that includes hit animated titles like George of the Jungle and Ella Bella Bingo, which are loved by kids in over 100 countries. They also have a joint venture in the Philippine­s that employs over 200 people, creating content for audiences in Asia Pacific and worldwide. Jyotirmoy is also a keen investor in tech and media startups that work with more than just content.

Home Style

Aside from her career, Prabha also invests a lot of her time and passion into styling her home. “I love spaces, and I enjoy styling as a hobby. I can’t be bothered with clothes shopping, but I jump at the chance to shop for furniture!”

She clearly knows where to go for furniture and décor, reeling off a list that includes Unikhome, Lims, Bungalow 55, Tatty Marsh and Fairprice Antique. Then there’s Bali, one of her favourite places to travel to and bring pieces back from. “I have a favourite store there called Domicil, and I love Mahana as well,” she says. “I’ve carried large pieces back from Bali before – I’d rather take them on to the plane and make sure they get here in one piece!” One example is the huge oxhead in the corner of the living room; most of the lamps, too, are from Bali.

Blue is clearly a favourite colour. Plenty of pieces in a variety of shades are dotted around the home, from the turquoise ceramics on the coffee table, to the blue-and-white upholstery on her chairs and the rich, vibrantly blue side-tables.

The open-plan living and dining area links through to an inviting balcony, and this is where Prabha spends much of her time – as do her guests when they visit. “It’s so peaceful. We like to have our morning tea or coffee on the balcony, and in the evening we sit out here with a drink. Although we only have two chairs outside, when we have guests everyone invariably ends up sitting on the steps there.”

Walking around the apartment, I find it hard to believe that they moved in just two months ago. “I definitely like to keep myself busy and my days full,” says Prabha, by way of explanatio­n.

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 ??  ?? Left: The artwork above the sofa is by Mohammed The Painter; Prabha picked it up in Bali, a place close to her heart.
Left: The artwork above the sofa is by Mohammed The Painter; Prabha picked it up in Bali, a place close to her heart.
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 ??  ?? Clockwise: The picture above the bed is from the store Iwannagoho­me (now closed down), and the side tables are from Lims. Arnab and Aditi’s room offers the best unblocked view of the western sky, making it ideal for observing and photograph­ing planetary objects in the solar system with the family’s state-of-the-art telescope. The family room has a pull-out sofa from Harvey Norman, for when extended family members come to stay.
Clockwise: The picture above the bed is from the store Iwannagoho­me (now closed down), and the side tables are from Lims. Arnab and Aditi’s room offers the best unblocked view of the western sky, making it ideal for observing and photograph­ing planetary objects in the solar system with the family’s state-of-the-art telescope. The family room has a pull-out sofa from Harvey Norman, for when extended family members come to stay.
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