Expat Living (Singapore)



We tend to take our teeth for granted, says DR DAPHNE CHUA of Aesthete Smilestudi­o, especially those who are naturally blessed with a beautiful smile. Here’s what you need to do to keep them and you looking great.

Brush your teeth at least twice a day to keep decay away – in the morning, and the last thing before you go to bed at night. That’s to get rid of the zillions of bacteria in our mouth that gather in the crevices between the teeth – the acid they release is the main cause of cavities.

Floss every night! It’s not much fun, and lacks the instant gratificat­ion of that zingy, minty, just-brushed feeling, but some believe that flossing may be even more important than brushing. That’s because flossing gets right down between the teeth to remove plaque build-up before it has time to cause periodonti­tis, tooth loss and gingivitis (gum infection).

Use a fluoride toothpaste and rinse daily with fluoride, says Dr Chua. Rinse for a full minute at a time, and ideally after your bedtime brushing and flossing. Why? A fluoride rinse hardens the surfaces of the teeth, making them more resistant to decay. Be sure not to swallow the stuff, though – it’s toxic when ingested.

Tongue-scraping is not just an ancient Ayurvedic practice – we should all be doing it, every morning. The spongy, bumpy texture of the tongue’s surface is a favourite place for bacteria to breed. Getting rid of that malodorous layer of morning gunk will guard against halitosis, improve your sense of taste, and prevent the bacteria migrating to your just-brushed teeth. Limit acidic food and drinks where possible, and be sure not to drink anything acidic at least half an hour before brushing. Despite their undoubted benefits, some of the worst culprits are citrus fruit, pickles, coffee, wine and sodas – and sugar, of course, which has little nutritiona­l benefit. But you don’t have to give up that fresh lemon juice: try drinking it through a straw!

Chewing ice is terrible for teeth, because the low temperatur­e of ice makes the enamel brittle and more vulnerable than usual to microscopi­c fractures and breakage. Watch out for popcorn kernels, too. If you’re overwhelme­d by the urge to crunch, go for celery sticks, baby carrots or an old-fashioned apple.

Don’t use your teeth as a bottle-opener, or to rip off garment labels, or to open plastic packaging. Just don’t.

Get enough calcium and other tooth-building minerals found in dairy foods, seafood, leafy vegetables, legumes, soya, nuts and fish canned with their bones.

Early prevention and detection of problems is key, so visit your dentist for regular six-monthly dental check-ups and cleaning.

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