Expat Living (Singapore)


With the recent traumatic events around the world, it’s inevitable that many of our conversati­ons touch upon their causes – and, of course, any possible solutions.


One common discussion revolves around how individual­s can get drawn into a mindset that is so far removed from how a caring, understand­ing human should be. How can they become so detached from themselves? It’s true that, in the past, some movements have been motivated by violence and trauma, but there’s also a flipside of how encouragem­ent, sympathy and a sense of belonging and achievemen­t can turn minds – especially young ones.

Kamikaze pilots and Nazi soldiers, for instance, were recruited and used inappropri­ately by being made to feel that they were special, that they would be appreciate­d, even revered by peers and leaders. We all want to be seen in a good light, and it’s much easier to draw someone in by praise and flattery than by bullying. It’s a distractio­n that can cause us to overlook flaws in an ideology or the manipulati­ng nature of personalit­y traits.

While solutions may be hard to find, the influence of others (positive as well as negative) is usually lessened if there is support and encouragem­ent in the home. I think this is one of our biggest challenges and, having recently gone through the teenage phase with my own children, I know it’s easier said than done!

I’m sure all of us will be feeling for the victims of terror and war all over the world, so let’s use that to make us appreciate what we do have, and work towards instilling a sense of belonging and support within that unit first, and then the community as a whole.

As we head off for holidays or business travel, safety will be high on the agenda but I do hope you enjoy time with friends and family. The images we received as entries in our photo competitio­n (the results are on page 78, and you can see more at expatlivin­g.sg) are a reminder that the world around us is both extraordin­ary and beautiful.

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