Expat Living (Singapore)

Horoscopes for July




There are lessons to be learnt about being ruled by your emotions. It’s nice to flick on the charm every now and again to get your way, but it isn’t helpful when it comes to making important life decisions. Stay mentally strong for what you believe in, and don’t let what others are saying affect your emotions. Your life isn’t dictated by what people think of you but rather what you think of yourself and what you make of your life. Work towards achieving a healthier balance of mind and emotions, and you’ll become much more confident.

LEO JUL 23 – AUG 22

This month, you need to get yourself out of whatever adversity has come your way. Leos are natural leaders, and you can expect to see that confidence shine through this month. You have a vision of what you wish to achieve and, with the support you’ve rallied around you, you should do it. Be sure of what you want and stick to your plans meticulous­ly. You’ll be surprised how your ongoing energy and enthusiasm will inspire others.


It’s always hard to let go of things or people that you’ve become attached to. But this is a must if you’re going to usher in positivity this month. Embrace the free spirit within, and go with the creativity that comes to you. It could be in the form of a dream, or in feeling drawn to something or someone for no evident reason. You’re right where you’re supposed to be this July. There’s no need to question or resist anything; trust, and go with the flow. It is time to let go of the old and allow the new to come in. As difficulti­es and obstacles make their exit, there’s not much left to do other than to rejoice!


It’s the end of a phase and the start of something new and transforma­tional this July. Manage your expectatio­ns well. It’s good to have dreams, but you also need to ensure that they become a reality. So, expect to work hard. Make adjustment­s where necessary. Be nimble and avoid sitting on decisions for too long. The longer you procrastin­ate, the higher your chance of missing a good opportunit­y!


Despite setbacks and challenges, your finances reach a stage of completion and accomplish­ment this July. You’ll probably see a growth in your financial reserves, and an improvemen­t in your career path in terms of a better role or salary, the flourishin­g of an entreprene­urial idea, or even an inheritanc­e coming your way. It’s the perfect situation to be in! However, things don’t stop there for you. Invest your windfall to pursue a dream or a goal, but you might want to hold your horses and do a little research before jumping into anything. Though events seem to be on your side, you may not have the right knowledge yet to pursue whatever it is you wish to do.


To see your wishes come true this month, you’ll need to change your mindset. That sense of feeling stuck? It’s really all in your mind. It’s a matter of removing the blindfold that has limited your vision of what is ahead. Strive for emotional detachment, and stop thinking that you’re a victim of your circumstan­ces; that’s not how it is. In fact, any circumstan­ces should be viewed as an opportunit­y, so change your perspectiv­es to adapt to them. Think abundance and you shall receive abundance!


The spotlight is on family and partners this month. Your nurturing, loving and empathic self is more radiant than ever. If you’re single, expect to attract a soulmate into your life, and if you’re already with a partner, the trust and bond you share with each other becomes even surer and stronger. There might even be wedding bells or a proposal this month! It’s all tending towards building relationsh­ips with solid and long-lasting foundation­s. It’s going to be bliss.


You’ll achieve a healthy money situation this month, with a smooth flow of incomings and outgoings. However, you’ll need to continuall­y stay on top of this. Losing momentum could result in an imbalance. The key is to stay confident and to be in control at all times; with sheer determinat­ion and strength, you’ll be able to tackle any obstacle in your path. Being resistant to change, on the other hand, will only disrupt the flow – you need to accept that good times and bad are all part and parcel of life.


It’s an exciting month ahead for Taureans who are working towards financial independen­ce and yet being able to be there for your family. Opportunit­ies in the form of new beginnings unfold. There is an outpouring of enthusiasm as it finally feels like you’re in a position to achieve your goals. The path is laid and you begin to step out of your comfort zone to seek out what’s in store for you. July is certainly a month of learning and at times reflection as you stop and breathe before you take each step on your journey. SAGITTARIU­S NOV 22 - DEC 21 If you wish to see success this month, it’s important that you start with a routine and stick to it from the start, right up to completion. The key is to set yourself up to be a reliable and trustworth­y individual who walks the talk. You’re re-establishi­ng your own personal belief system and what you stand for. The focus will be on freeing yourself from self-limiting thoughts, and taking on a perspectiv­e of independen­ce, freedom and confidence in the knowledge that you’re capable of achieving anything. Put a constructi­ve plan in place and have faith in your abilities.


This month, you will come to an understand­ing that you get what you deserve. You’ll find that everything is, in fact, fair and square, and there will be nothing to contest. After all, what goes around must come around eventually. The only thing to do is to stick to your plan as closely as possible and to do whatever it takes to prove yourself to be reliable and trustworth­y. Truth will prevail in the end.


It’s transition time this month! You feel very optimistic and hopeful of the future, and inspiratio­n drives you to pursue what you’ve always wanted to do. Your approach is a calm one; even if things are falling apart around you, it’s not going to faze you. Instead, you carry on with certainty and faith that all will fall into place in good time. Curiosity and creativity push you to explore your horizons. Expect to leave behind people or things that don’t serve your current mindset; it may cause you some regret, but it’s necessary if you’re to move forward to the next phase of self-discovery.

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