Expat Living (Singapore)

Great Hair Now:

The secrets are out! Yes, despite Singapore’s humidity, it’s possible to tame your mane. Here are our recommende­d tips and treatments for better hair now.


Products and treatments to tame your mane

STEP 1: Get a good blow-dry

A proper blow-dry doesn’t just make you feel amazing – it should last for a few days and make your hair easier to style. ELLE SAKRZEWSKI, co-founder of The Big Blow salon, shares her top tips for more manageable locks. When you blow-dry your hair, make sure to get all of the moisture out. Any dampness will only attract more moisture to the hair, causing frizz.

Use an anti-humectant styling product. Moroccanoi­l Smoothing Lotion or Smooth Again by Kevin Murphy are two good options. They keep the cuticle of the hair smooth, and lock in moisture without drawing more of it to the hair.

To make a blow-out last longer, dry your hair after you shower. Even if you don’t get your hair wet, the surroundin­g dampness can make it more prone to frizz.

Blow-dry your hair in only one direction. Also, be sure to use a nozzle, so as to concentrat­e the heat on the cuticle; that’s how you achieve a smooth finish.

Drench your hair with cold water after washing. As daunting as this may sound, it helps to seal the cuticle and in turn help to prevent frizz after drying.

Wrap your hair in a microfibre towel or a T-shirt, instead of a regular towel. The finer fibres place less stress on your hair. Have conditioni­ng treatments regularly. They will help you avoid dry, split ends.

Add these five foods to your daily diet to improve the condition of your hair and scalp.

1. Eggs

Feed your hair from the inside with protein to promote healthy growth. Eggs are an excellent source, and also contain vitamin B12 plus zinc, selenium, sulphur and iron to help prevent hair loss.

2. Salmon

Rich in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, salmon and other oily fish help to keep your scalp hydrated and conditione­d.

3. Flax Seeds

Sprinkle a tablespoon of these on porridge oats and salads for a hit of iron and omega-3 for shiny hair.

4. Spinach

Spinach and other green, leafy veggies are fantastic sources of vitamins A and C, iron and selenium to promote hair growth.

5. Avocados

Avocados are rich in vitamin B and E, promoting a healthier scalp and encouragin­g your hair to grow faster, too.

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