Expat Living (Singapore)

Key Health Facts


You may have lived in Singapore for years, or only just arrived here. Either way, here’s a useful overview of some vital informatio­n that every one of us needs to know, courtesy of the helpful team at Internatio­nal Medical Clinic (IMC).

#1 Vaccinatio­ns

To keep the whole family healthy during your stay in Singapore, make sure that everyone is up to date with childhood vaccinatio­ns. And before embarking on the great fun of discoverin­g Southeast Asia, it’s important to get appropriat­e medical advice on diseases that you may encounter on your travels.

#2 Emergency Telephone Numbers

Put these numbers into your phone – right now! We’d also recommend picking up a free fridge magnet from any IMC clinic that has all the emergency telephone numbers you need on it. You won’t know how much you need it, until you do need it.

Ambulance & Fire – 995 Police – 999 Private Hospitals – Accident and Emergency Hospitals (24 hours) Gleneagles – 6470 5688 Mount Elizabeth (Orchard) – 6235 9595 Mount Elizabeth (Novena) – 6653 6286 Public Hospitals – Accident and Emergency Hospitals (24 hours) KK Women’s and Children’s – 6225 5554 National University (NUH) – 6772 5000 Singapore General – 6321 4311 Tan Tock Seng – 6357 8866

#3 Health Screenings

We’re all busy – and it’s just too easy to keep putting off that Pap screen, mammogram, skin check or whatever. Here’s a reminder from IMC’S medical practition­ers that the sooner a problem is identified, the better the chances of treating it effectivel­y! Options to consider include:

• Heath Screening: Essential, Vitality or Comprehens­ive

• Sexual Health: No need to be embarrasse­d, as they do them all the time for both men and women

• Women’s Gynaecolog­ical: Many of the IMC doctors can provide your regular gynae needs

• Helper’s Health: A screening to establish whether your helper is physically fit and well

• School Medicals: Often required as part of the school admission process For more health screening options, visit imc- healthcare. com and click on Services.

#4 Local Health Matters

Here are some prevalent viral diseases and other medical problems that you may not have heard of before.

Mycoplasma Common symptoms include cough, fever and fatigue that can continue for up to six weeks. It’s often referred to as “walking pneumonia”, as most patients are still able to function normally, and in the majority of cases will make a full recovery without treatment.

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreaks occur more frequently in the tropics, and Singapore’s nurseries and schools have seen a marked increase recently. Its symptoms are fever, sore throat and the characteri­stic spots on hands, feet and sometimes on the rest of the body. If you’re unsure about a rash, have it checked by your GP!

Influenza Flu is common here throughout the year, with the usual symptoms: fever, cough, sore throat, gastric upset and muscle aches. IMC stocks the latest flu vaccines updated twice a year by the World Health Organisati­on.

Seasonal Haze Air pollution from forest fires in neighbouri­ng countries is common in the southwest monsoon season ( September to November), and can affect the health of vulnerable groups such as the elderly, the very young or those with lung or heart problems. Ask your GP how to reduce the impact on you and your family.

# 14- 06 Camden Medical Centre, 1 Orchard Boulevard 6733 4440

For other IMC branches, go to imc-healthcare.com.

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