Expat Living (Singapore)

Fitness Focus:


A twist on the traditiona­l squat

Aim to complete three sets of 8 to 12 reps: 1. Grab a dumbbell and hold one end with each hand (the dumbbell should be perpendicu­lar to the floor). Stand with your feet in a wider stance than a normal squat (wider than hip-width apart), with your toes turned out at an angle, away from the centre of your body. 2. Bend your knees and hips to lower yourself into a squat. 3. Pause for a couple of seconds, then press up to standing

position, driving up through your heels. Remember: Keep your back long and neutral, drawing the tailbone straight down to the floor each time. And don’t let your knees go out beyond your toes, allowing your upper torso to lean forward!

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