Expat Living (Singapore)

Expat Trends


Our recent 2018 Reader Survey threw up some interestin­g difference­s from our surveys of 2008 and 2010. Check out these key changes from the past eight to ten years (and read more online at expatlivin­g.sg!):

1. Expat families putting their kids in local schools: 8% then; 22% now 2. Expats living in HDBS: 3% then, 10% now 3. Expats shopping online for groceries: 5% then, 80% now 4. Expats using gyms and personal trainers: 25% then, 41% now 5. Expats planning to become PRS: 4% then, 10% now 6. Expats on local packages: 32% then, 56% now 7. Australian expats in Singapore: 28% then, 19% now 8. Expats paying their own rent: 48% then, 71% now 9. Expats working in banking and finance: 25% then, 19% now

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