Expat Living (Singapore)

Horoscopes for September



Virgo (23 Aug – 22 Sep)

A challengin­g September lies ahead for Virgo. But it doesn’t hamper your drive to be productive. Your ability to plan meticulous­ly and make sure you’re in control helps you to keep things in balance. The challenge this month seems to be around working towards a long-term financial solution for your family. This may involve working extra hours to help grow the pot for your family, or looking into juggling finances to allow for a savings plan – or maybe you’re a new mum trying to juggle work and family. It won’t be the easiest of months, but you’ll see to it that you achieve what you set out for.


(23 Sep – 22 Oct) It’s a month of celebratio­n for Libra. A month where you make a conscious decision to come out of your rut, stop feeling sorry about your situation and take control of it rather than be ruled by it. You may choose to move away from a relationsh­ip that hasn’t made you happy, or stop trying to make others happy while you remain miserable. Or it may be as trivial as changing how your room looks or even changing your hair colour! But you will have to work on your inner-self in order to see physical changes taking place externally. It takes courage to look at what’s been making you unhappy and to tell yourself you aren’t taking it anymore. Good luck, Libra; it’s about time you balanced your scales!


(23 Oct – 21 Nov) For Scorpio, September is a great month for career and business. You may find yourself on the receiving end of a promotion or a pay rise. This is a time to shine and not a time to be modest. Take ownership of your hard work; you’re definitely deserving of it. Things are only about to get better from here on, and the positive changes in your work or business will be a motivation for you to up your drive factor and pursue much more. You’ll certainly be acting more like a fire sign than a water sign this month, and your drive and passion will be a force to be reckoned with.


(22 Nov – 21 Dec) There is harmony and joy in relationsh­ips – familial and others – for Sagittariu­s this month. Much sacrifice has been made and many bitter pills swallowed to get to where you are now. But it’s been worth the heartache, in some way. These relationsh­ips may not be like before, but at least you seem to know where you stand and which lines not to cross. Celebratio­ns can be less awkward now. The key lesson in all of this is to let go and notice what’s there, rather than what’s no longer there. Take what you have at this moment and begin to rebuild your relationsh­ips.


(22 Dec – 19 Jan) New beginnings in business or work are on the horizon. Intuition and creativity are at their peak this month. Trust your judgement when it comes to people, and there will be new opportunit­ies, with interviews, contracts or even career changes. Some of these people may be different to how they appear on the surface, so it will be up to you to read between the lines. Pick up new projects and try different things, even if it’s something you have no experience in. Trusting your instincts can sometimes go against what logic tells you. But do it anyway – you never know what doors it will open for you.


(20 Jan – 18 Feb) After some gruelling months, you finally get to hear news that makes you emotionall­y elated. In your books, it’s always better to prepare for the worst, and if the opposite happens it will be a pleasant surprise. Well, your formula works this month. It isn’t by chance that this positive news has come along. It’s been because of your hard work and trusting your gut instincts – which sometimes might feel like the only tool you have to rely on when things don’t make sense. Carry on with what you’ve been doing and you’ll find yourself staying afloat and happy for some time.


(19 Feb – 20 Mar) It’s a time of calm before the storm this month for Pisces. You’ll be in need of some proper recharging before you take on the challenges in front of you. It’s up to you to take control of things again. Matters may seem out of hand this month – to the extent of feeling chaotic. Change is inevitable – for example, in the area of work and finance. But despite you feeling like you can’t see how the dust is ever going to settle, it will within the blink of an eye. And all normality will return to life.


(21 Mar – 19 Apr) September could be viewed as a time for healing for Aries. An opportunit­y to return to a place from your past will arise, and this could make you very happy indeed. Or, there will be a need to return to a place from your past – such as a place of your childhood – for closure, which could end up being a very positive thing. For the Aries who is planning on family expansion, some sacrifices will need to be made in the financial department in order to see your wish bear fruit. Or, you may find a chance to work with children, which could become a fulfilling journey for you. Whichever route you go with, the end result will be a rewarding one.


(20 Apr – 20 May) Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, Taurus, but you can expect September to be a disappoint­ing time, and perhaps even heartbreak­ing. For example, you may decide to walk away from a relationsh­ip. You’ve spent a lot of time and energy trying to make things work, but it’s been beginning to feel like a one-way street and you’re sure you aren’t going to benefit by carrying on. You may also have to say goodbye to a career, job or project that you’ve been passionate about. In any case, it’s the right time to move on as there will be better things waiting, or people more deserving of your presence.


(21 May – 20 Jun) Opportunit­ies will be available to Gemini this September, but you seem to put yourself in a twist as to whether you should take them up or go a different way. The opportunit­ies may not be aligned with what you had in mind, hence you find yourself feeling unsure about pursuing them just to tide you over at the expense of giving up on your dreams. The universe may present paths but it’s entirely up to you to make things happen. If your desired path doesn’t open, think of it as taking the scenic route. Pick something or someone along the way to help you achieve what you really want. You may need to broaden your scope and embrace everything that comes your way as an opportunit­y rather than a hindrance or distractio­n.


(21 Jun – 22 Jul) There are major changes this month for Cancer that could be life-altering. It may be time to settle down with someone, to think of growing your family, or perhaps to move homes. If it’s a move, this may be motivated by work opportunit­ies that promise better career prospects and growth. It will feel like a sacrifice if you are having to leave behind dear ones and head off to somewhere completely unfamiliar. But it’s an opportunit­y for new beginnings this September. Yes, you may have to start all over again in some situations, but it will be in the name of a more secure life.


(23 Jul – 22 Aug) Sometimes it can be better to lose something than to gain a lot. It’s a month of contemplat­ion for Leo, and maybe even retreat. It’s also a time of healing of the mind – and of the physical body, if it’s been a particular­ly busy and trying time. You may need to experience a loss or just begin to let go of what doesn’t serve you anymore to complete your transition of self-healing. This will be a crucial part of your developmen­t and growth. You may need to visit a time or place from your past to complete your healing process. You’ll be glad when the month is over, as it’ll be a time to celebrate your personal liberation.

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