Expat Living (Singapore)

Helping kids with anxiety

Ask any parent what their number one wish for their kids is, and it’s almost always “to feel happy, safe and fulfilled”. But what if your child is anxious and needs some help in finding these things?


Education can no longer take a onesize-fits-all approach.

There is more to life than getting top marks, and every child should be given the opportunit­y to feel good about themselves and their abilities. That’s the philosophy at the Integrated Internatio­nal School of Singapore (IIS), which was founded in 2009 out of a desire to transform the educationa­l landscape here to one that recognises and appreciate­s multiple types of learning preference­s.

Today, the school is seeking to redefine what it means to succeed. Founder and Principal Dr VANESSA VON AUER says, “Not every child fits the ‘cookie-cutter’ definition of success; many miss out on opportunit­ies that others take for granted. Education can no longer take a one-size fits-all approach.”

This is wonderful news for anyone with a child whose talents are hidden by anxiety or low self-esteem. At IIS they believe – rightly! – that everyone deserves a bit of tender loving care. If kids feel valued and supported, they’ll flourish emotionall­y and socially. Some kids just need a bit more assistance in getting there than others.

How the school strives to help

IIS has a dedicated support team made up of qualified specialist­s and therapists who work with the students individual­ly if and when they need it. There are experts on staff who can provide Behavioura­l Therapy, Counsellin­g, Social Skills Training, and Speech and Occupation­al Therapy to ensure the wellbeing of every student. They work closely and collaborat­ively with teachers to design Individual­ised Education Plans (IEPs) for students who can benefit from customised support.

“Our counsellor­s encourage students to discuss anything that’s on their minds,” says Dr von Auer. “Counsellin­g sessions assist students in identifyin­g emotions and providing them with tools to cope with their stressors, and develop self-awareness and mindfulnes­s, as well as problem-solving skills.”

Then there are social skills groups, which are open to students who could benefit from the enhancemen­t of these particular life skills. Topics covered in these groups can include self-awareness and self-esteem, conflict resolution, identifyin­g emotions, verbal and non-verbal behaviour, and collaborat­ive teamwork.

With the kind of approach that IIS has adopted, children with anxiety or low selfesteem can be given the tools to build their confidence and thrive in a social and academic setting. The tailored education plans are designed to bring out the best in any child – and every kid deserves to feel like a gold star achiever, right?

6466 4475 | iis.edu.sg

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