Expat Living (Singapore)

Horoscopes for February



Aquarius (20 Jan – 18 Feb)

Abundance is the theme of the month. The seed for new endeavours and plans and the inspiratio­n to manifest material blessings is planted. It’s a time for making your wishes come true. You have all the perfect ingredient­s to do so – the right attitude, ideas and plans to make things happen. It’s entirely up to you if things turn out to be a success. You make the choices and the plans to move things full-steam ahead.


(19 Feb – 20 Mar)

This is a month when cautiousne­ss should be practiced. You’re at a time in your life where things feel complete; relationsh­ips and family are at their best, your career is burgeoning and your financial investment­s are paying off. Care should be taken to maintain your abundance. Be aware of anything that can bring about change in your achievemen­ts. Change is inevitably around the corner and it will pay to keep an extra precaution­ary eye on relationsh­ips and investment­s this February.


(21 Mar – 19 Apr)

It’s a month of celebratio­n as you watch all your efforts paying off. It may be a stressful time, though, so delegate when you can so you can focus on the big picture. You don’t need to be distracted with the niggly bits. All your decisions and strategies will earn you the title of the “ultimate business owner” this month. Moneyrelat­ed concerns will be dealt with in the most organised and calm manner, making you someone for others to seek advice from. You have finally fulfilled what you set out to do, and you’ve done it well, too. So, enjoy the welldeserv­ed celebratio­ns this February.


(20 Apr – 20 May)

You reach a turning point this month; a realisatio­n about what your reality is. For some time now, you’ve been chasing the unattainab­le. The path ahead looks much clearer and the decision you must take is now more lucid than ever. The change in your vision is all down to realising what your strengths are and making the most of them. Sometimes, not every goal will be attainable. Not because you aren’t good enough, but because you haven’t got the tools for it at that moment. So, bring yourself down to earth and work with what you have. This will boost your confidence and give you the opportunit­y to perfect what you’re capable of.


(21 May – 20 Jun)

Just like January, February remains quite an uneventful month in the material sense. It’s a time to contemplat­e, plan and recharge before you spring into action. You’re looking to grow and expand. The path ahead will be paved according to what you feel and what you’re drawn to emotionall­y. You’ll need to work out the “how” in detail, in order to reach the “what”. There is no rush in this. So, take your time to gather your thoughts and energies for the next phase.


(21 Jun – 22 Jul)

It’s not the time to rest on your laurels of your past glories this month. Taking time to recharge after a battle to achieve your victories is all well and good, but avoid falling into complacenc­y. You need to seek new challenges and new battles. Pick up your courage and determined focus and channel that into achieving your new-found goals. Let go of your old ways of doing things; instead, be optimistic, diplomatic and engaging to tunnel your way to success.


(23 Jul – 22 Aug)

Whatever goal or end result you’re pursuing isn’t too far off this February. The obstacles may seem endless and your faith battered and bruised, but it isn’t the time to give up; rather, it’s the time to keep pressing on. The end is near and it will definitely begin to take shape towards the end of the month. Clarity will begin to unveil the path ahead to success. Take a well-deserved break when the month is over; you’ll certainly need it.


(23 Aug – 22 Sep)

A change of luck is around the corner this month. You may discover new financial opportunit­ies, though first you’ll need to get your own emotions in order. You may have hit a rough patch in your life, and feel isolated as a result of it. It could be the loss of a job, loss of money from bad investment­s or some other unexpected outgoing of money. This time shall also pass, and you’ll overcome your emotions of loss and isolation. The lesson of the month is that there will always be a rise after a fall. It’s just the circle of life we all have to go through.


(23 Sep – 22 Oct)

It’s time for change. Let go of the old and move along with the new. Using the lessons you’ve learnt from the past, forge ahead with a new direction; it might be a new way of expressing yourself, a new project or business venture or even a complete career change that awaits. Uncertaint­y goes hand in hand with change. So, if you’re sitting on the fence about a decision or feel you’re lacking the informatio­n to make that change, then just listen to your heart. The pieces of the puzzle will become more visible if you follow your instincts.


(23 Oct – 21 Nov)

The focus for the month is on ways to improve your financial position. You’re looking for ways to grow the material realm of your life. The advice is to stick to tried and tested methods. Go to a trusted source for informatio­n and knowledge, and avoid trying new and untested trends. The methods may be “old school”, but they’ll definitely lead you in the direction of success.


(22 Nov – 21 Dec)

You are nudged towards a particular path or project this month. The pull will be strong enough for you to follow your desire to pursue your passion. You may not necessaril­y feel the need to announce your choices in your path. In fact, keeping things quiet until you achieve the status of success will earn you more respect for your efforts. It’s not the month where you’ll see the fruits of your labour, but putting your head down and remaining focused on the direction certainly will lead you to that. So, it’s a time for giving your undivided attention and sticking to your truth in order to reap the benefits of your efforts.


(22 Dec – 19 Jan)

Your drive and motivation this month are like nothing you’ve experience­d before. Obstacles and difficulti­es ahead aren’t going to slow you down. But it might help to pause from time to time to check if you’re still en route to your final destinatio­n or whether you’ve gone off course by blindly charging forward. It could be worth your while to plan things rather than just racing ahead, and dealing with issues as they arise. A lot of the issues could be avoided in the first place if you stop to plan before you take off. Don’t forget to embrace your inner child and enjoy the journey rather than becoming too fixated on reaching your end destinatio­n.

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