Expat Living (Singapore)

Helping Hands:

Are you feeling a bit helpless with the whole COVID-19 thing? Don’t fret – you’re not alone! And now there’s a way you can help.


Our latest on volunteer opportunit­ies

If you’re like most of the globe, you are likely keeping an anxious eye on the news as the number of people around the world who are infected with the coronaviru­s climbs higher and higher. And yet, there you sit, feeling like there’s nothing you can do other than working from home and not greeting friends with a kiss when you do go out.

But studies have shown that one of the best ways to empower yourself is to give back. Get busy. Help other people. But how? Where?

The Singaporea­n government has once again led the charge, realising that its citizens and residents want to help. In the middle of last month, they launched sgunited.gov.sg, a new website devoted to helping people help others. It’s all part of SG Cares, which also has an app to keep you abreast of what is needed.

The site lists many organisati­ons in need of volunteers – and the register of what you can do is endless. Many of these programmes involve working with seniors, whether it be door-to-door outreach, teaching a senior how to use a mobile phone or taking them to an outdoor learning journey. Our seniors need us.

There are other things to do, too, such as delivering meals, running a Bingo game, going on a community walk, trying your hand at crafting, doing a little farming – literally, the list is endless. And many of these activities are family-friendly. You can even sign up directly online. Want to give blood? There’s informatio­n on that, too.

Virus-specific relief is also listed. For example, you can click a link to see some of the ground-up initiative­s that have started in Singapore, which are really heart-warming. Want to leave words of encouragem­ent to our frontline workers? There’s a link for that, too.

If you have an idea for a community initiative you can share it on the site and somebody will be in touch. There are also funds set up to help you get initiative­s off the ground.

And yes, you can even just donate money, which is sometimes the most needed gift of all.

The whole thing is pretty amazing and just another example of how the entire country of Singapore has been brought closer by the circumstan­ces we’re all facing. As Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said in his second speech about the virus, “We are SG United!”

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