Expat Living (Singapore)

Sleep Problems?: Try the natural chiropract­ic approach

Try something different


If you or your partner snores or suffers from constant fatigue or insomnia, you’ll want to know about this natural approach to treatment.

Everyone needs sleep – it’s when our bodies have the opportunit­y to heal and recharge, preparing us for another day. Many of us wake up feeling at least somewhat rested. But, this isn’t the case for millions of people suffering from sleep apnoea, a sleep disorder that causes shallow breathing or breathing that stops and starts intermitte­ntly throughout the night.

“Because sleep provides an important restorativ­e function for the body, if left untreated, sleep apnoea can become a major health issue,” says Gonstead chiropract­or DR WILLIAM CHOI of Academy of Chiropract­ic Clinic.

There are different types of sleep apnoea, with the most common being obstructiv­e sleep apnoea (OSA). With OSA, the throat muscles relax during sleep, causing a blockage of the airways. This, in turn, impedes proper oxygen flow to the brain, causing problems that can go way beyond snoring, explains Dr Choi. In fact, long-term complicati­ons associated with sleep apnoea include high blood pressure, cardiovasc­ular conditions, weight gain and memory loss.

Usually, your bed partner will be able to hear the sounds of shallow breathing, snoring or gasping, but there are other signs that can indicate that you have sleep apnoea. They include:

• waking up in the middle of the night, unable to breathe;

• insomnia;

• feeling tired all day;

• waking up with a headache;

• waking up with a dry mouth or sore throat; and

• mood swings.

The chiropract­ic option

As a specialty of the nervous system, chiropract­ic helps remove nerve irritation and inflammati­on from the spine, explains Dr Choi. Using a specific spinal manipulati­on called an adjustment, chiropract­ic care is meant to correct vertebral misalignme­nts that are responsibl­e for various disorders throughout the body, including OSA.

“Sleep is connected to overall health, and a lack of spinal stability can have a negative impact on your ability to rest. When vertebrae are misaligned, signals cannot be properly transferre­d from one body part to another, causing problems in the central nervous system,” says Dr Choi.

“A misaligned neck also tends to tighten one’s jaw muscles, causing airways to close down. Regular chiropract­ic adjustment­s can keep your neck in alignment, ensuring that you get the right amount of sleep,” he adds.

To detect the presence of vertebral misalignme­nt, Dr Choi first analyses a patient’s spine using five specific criteria, unique to the Gonstead Method of chiropract­ic. These include visualisat­ion, feeling the patient’s spine in both static and dynamic positions, x-ray analysis, and the use of an instrument called a Nervoscope, which can uncover any signs of inflammati­on. Misalignme­nts can then be corrected to restore the nervous system and positive sleeping patterns.

“If you are not sleeping well, you’re more prone to sickness and disease. Your body needs to rest!”

That being said, insomnia is another sleep disorder Dr Choi commonly treats with chiropract­ic. He says that adjustment­s can help decrease levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which can affect the ability to sleep – a more natural approach to try before reaching for the sleeping pills!

 ??  ?? Academy of Chiropract­ic Clinic
#02-27 Riverside Point, 30 Merchant Road | 6438 5051 | accsing.com
Academy of Chiropract­ic Clinic #02-27 Riverside Point, 30 Merchant Road | 6438 5051 | accsing.com

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