Expat Living (Singapore)



Well, it would be weird not to comment on the current situation. I was sure it would have vaporised by now, and we’d have all gone back to life as we know it, or knew it. But it doesn’t look like anything is going anywhere quickly.

Another element I hadn’t foreseen was the impact on business. I wasn’t too concerned about the health implicatio­ns of the virus for myself – and I’m still not (whether that’s wise or not!). But, I hadn’t thought that it could come to most countries around the world being in limbo.

We should have known that a year called 2020 was not going to come and go quietly. The good news is that the signs of World War III that I was vaguely worried about at the end of last year have faded. Everyone is too busy thinking of how to get hold of toilet paper!

Joking aside, I was heartened recently while watching The Crown. It was an episode set in the mid-70s during the miners’ strikes, when there were massive electricit­y cuts and Britain was in chaos. Prince Philip was talking about what a mess the world was in, and something along the lines of how it will never be the same again.

Clearly my crystal ball isn’t working very well – so my words might not be comforting. But we will get through this. Every decade seems to have its “thing”. I think it’s a reminder for us all not to be complacent, or to think we have everything planned.

I shall go now before I make any more wrong prediction­s, but I do wish you a Happy Easter. And remember to get those Easter eggs before they sell out too! Otherwise you might be in trouble at home.

In light of COVID-19, events promoted in this issue may be cancelled or reschedule­d. Please double check online.

 ??  ?? PS I was looking for a way to tie in the great toilet roll panic with Easter. And would you believe here’s something that does. You can make this Easterthem­ed collage from toilet roll insides. Start saving them now!
PS I was looking for a way to tie in the great toilet roll panic with Easter. And would you believe here’s something that does. You can make this Easterthem­ed collage from toilet roll insides. Start saving them now!
 ?? REBECCA BISSET Editor-in-Chief ??
REBECCA BISSET Editor-in-Chief
 ??  ??

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