Expat Living (Singapore)

Clarity is Power

- Ruth Saw

Singapore-born Ruth Saw (theclarity­expert.co) is a speaker and certified strength coach who has lived and worked in different cultures across her corporate career. In that time, she came to realise that, regardless of culture, people will flourish when they know who they are – when they find clarity.

What inspired you to write this book?

I failed English so I hadn’t dared to consider writing a book. Then my mentor advised me, “Why don’t you write this book for yourself; if it works, then publish it for the world to see”. What great advice! It took the pressure off and I started writing my “clarity journey”.

Why is having clarity so important for us?

Clarity, to me, is a necessity. With the world changing so rapidly, we are constantly bombarded by so many options. Clarity helps us decide and step into our personal path and destiny. Research shows that depression and anxiety are on the rise, due to unmet needs. Unmet needs are a sign of lack of clarity – of what we want and need, but may not have clarity about.

What’s been your biggest moment of clarity?

When I first came to

Australia, I couldn’t find work. It became very stressful and the psychologi­st diagnosed me with anxiety and possibly Aspergers. It wrecked my confidence.

She told me I had the tendency to think black and white, and she suggested medication for my depression. That label never left me, even though I’d recovered and continued to thrive in life. My biggest moment of clarity happened when I did my Gallup Strengths Assessment, and realised that one of my strengths, called Belief, has a blind spot, which is a tendency to think black and white!

The label finally fell off. I realised I just needed to work with how I naturally think, feel or behave and step into my personal passion.

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