Expat Living (Singapore)

Deepavali: All you need to know

One of Singapore’s important cultural festivals is on this month. Here we run our eye over some of the key aspects and events around Deepavali (14 November).


What is it?

Celebrated by Hindus all over the world, it’s a religious festival and major event in the Hindu calendar. Also known as Diwali, it marks the triumph of good over evil and, symbolical­ly, light over darkness.

When is it?

The Hindu lunar calendar determines the date on which Deepavali falls. It typically occurs sometime in the months of October and November. The celebratio­ns last about five days.

Why is it celebrated?

There are various legends surroundin­g this vibrant festival. One of the most popular ones is the story of the return of Lord Rama and his wife to their North Indian Kingdom after a 14-year exile. The people joyously welcomed him with thousands of lamps.

How is it celebrated?

Similar to how lamps were lit for Lord Rama’s return, diyas (oil lamps made of clay) are placed around homes during the festivitie­s. Devotees also clean their homes to prepare for the occasion. Doorways and entrances are often decorated with rangolis, a traditiona­l form of floor art that consists of beautiful patterns usually made out of flour, sand, flower petals or rice. These special decoration­s are to welcome Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, into the home. The day begins early on Deepavali with rituals such as oil baths, putting on new clothes, heading to the temple to pray and visiting homes of friends and relatives for feasting. You can expect a mix of sweet and savoury eats and delicacies. They include mithai (South Asian sweets) such as gulab jamun, and puran poli, a sweet Indian flatbread.

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