Expat Living (Singapore)

Fitness Focus:

Train and tone from your living room


VIVIAN TWISS from The VIVA Group teaches us two mat Pilates moves you can do anywhere – no equipment needed!


This exercise mobilises your spine, challenges your core strength and gives a good stretch to your hamstrings.

#1 Lying down, contract your abdominals to lift your legs up into a diagonal line, legs squeezed together with toes reaching away. Reach your toes up towards the ceiling; lift your legs up, and contract your abdominals and glutes to articulate your spine off the mat, one vertebra at a time – starting from your tailbone up to your upper thoracic spine. Making sure to rest on the bottom of your shoulder blades, reach your legs overhead and parallel with the mat, point your toes away from your sit bones and scoop your abdominals in to keep the flexion on your spine.

#2 Place your hands on your back for support and reach your toes up towards the ceiling, squeezing your abdominals and glutes for stability. Then, for two counts, reach your right leg overhead and the left leg further away.

#3 Switch legs, reaching your toes up to the ceiling so that they pass each other in mid-air. Make sure to continue resting your upper body on the bottom of your shoulder blades and not on the neck.

#4 For two counts, reach your left leg overhead and reach your right leg further away. Keep reaching your toes further away on the second count.

#5 Complete five to 10 repetition­s of scissoring legs. On your last repetition, bring both legs up towards the ceiling, contractin­g your glutes and abdominals, and reaching your toes away to create length. Then, place your hands back onto the floor and articulate your spine down the mat, melting from your ribs to your middle back to your lower back to your lumbar spine then, slowly and with control, return your legs back to diagonal position.


This move strengthen­s your arms, chest and shoulders, works your abs, stabilises your core and stretches your hamstrings, giving a great full-body workout!

#1 Stand tall at the end of the mat with your legs together and arms to the side of your hips.

#2 Articulate your spine to a full flexion, starting from your head until your hands are touching the ground; contract your abdominals, thinking of bringing your belly button towards your spine. Imagine you are rolling on top of a big barrel!

#3 In four counts, walk your hands forward to a full push-up position, lengthenin­g your spine into a long line. Make sure your hands are under your shoulders with fingertips pointing forward and shoulders away from your ears. Contract your abdominals, glutes and inner thighs, resting on the ball of your feet. Keep equal weight in your toes and hands.

#4 For three counts, bend your elbows, angling them to the back to lower your upper body down to the floor.

#5 Straighten your elbows back to a full push-up position and, in four counts, walk your hands back toward your feet.

#6 One vertebra at a time, roll your spine up into the vertical position, maintainin­g the weight of your body on to your feet during the roll-up. Complete three to five repetition­s.

The VIVA Group – Pilates & Wellness

• #01-23 Quayside Isle, Sentosa Cove, 31 Ocean Way | 9186 0716

• #02-02/02-02A Marina at Keppel Bay, 2 Keppel Bay Vista | 9186 0716 thevivagro­up.com

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