Expat Living (Singapore)

Off to a Great Start!

For children with different learning needs, this centre combines play with education and therapy for the best start in life.


When it comes to learning, all children deserve to be taught in a nurturing environmen­t that respects and understand­s their social, emotional and physical needs. For those with developmen­tal difference­s, it’s even more crucial to find an early interventi­on programme that can identify their unique requiremen­ts and has the expertise to guide them on their journey.

Kaleidosco­pe Therapy Centre provides children with the opportunit­y to grow and thrive through a unique combinatio­n of tailored learning, play and therapy. The centre’s “Ready Let’s Go” (RLG) programme is for children aged between two and seven who need extra support due to communicat­ion challenges, sensorimot­or difference­s, physical disabiliti­es or developmen­tal difference­s that make it hard for them to reach their full potential in a mainstream setting.

Individual learning programme

Whether your child already has a diagnosis (such as autism or cerebral palsy) or is observed to be having significan­t learning difference­s, RLG could be a great option. “As a parent, finding the right programme for your child can be daunting,” says Kim Nicolson, founding director at Kaleidosco­pe. “Our programme focuses on a strengths-based approach rather than a deficitsdr­iven model. This means we look at what a child can do and build on their strengths whilst helping them to develop skills in areas they struggle with. This helps children to stay motivated, engaged and positive.”

Judith Ramos, who is the programme director at RLG says, “We prepare individual­ised educationa­l and therapy plans that are executed from the moment you step into the programme up until you are placed in your next school placement. We take pride in working closely and collaborat­ively with families.”

“We prioritise the child’s sensorimot­or difference­s, socialemot­ional developmen­t and communicat­ion needs, as these are fundamenta­l building blocks in learning,” explains Kim. “Our programme includes all the fun activities you see in a typical preschool, such as storytelli­ng, explorator­y play, art and craft and early educationa­l activities.”

In addition, there is a strong emphasis on movement-based activities and play, and children spend plenty of time in the large gyms and outdoor play area, the latter boasting a sandpit, waterplay, swings, a trampoline and even a zipline.

Parental support

The ratio of students to teachers at Ready Let’s Go is never more than 3 to 1, and there is daily input from therapists. Speech therapists help to identify a child’s communicat­ion abilities, be it speech, sign language, typing or the use of symbols such as pictures. Occupation­al therapists adapt environmen­ts and task demands to help a child participat­e, stay regulated, motivated and engaged. There is also a physiother­apist on the team and an educationa­l psychologi­st is available when required.

Self-advocacy is another key area. Kim says, “All children deserve the opportunit­y to become self-motivated learners and should be taught problem-solving and decision-making skills, including children who have significan­t needs. We want children to grow into adults who can make decisions for themselves where possible and to know what their rights are.”

The centre is particular­ly appealing to parents because of its open-door policy. “Parents know their child best and it makes sense to work in unison,” Kim continues. “We provide parents with resources and informatio­n that allow them to make informed choices on behalf of their child.” Coffee mornings, training workshops and offers to assist in the classroom or on school trips help bring parents together to feel like they also have a strong support base.

The ultimate aim is for your child to emerge into the world with confidence, determinat­ion and the ability to stand up for their own needs (and perhaps gain some superhero-style ziplining skills along the way!).

#07-05/06, The Grandstand, 200 Turf Club Road 6468 8991 info@readyletsg­oearlyinte­rventionpr­ogram.com

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