Expat Living (Singapore)

Kenneth Kwan

Small Steps to Big Changes


What made you write this book?

The book counters certain common beliefs that may not be useful and shares principles and processes on how to win more in life and at work. Many of us have heard of motivation­al speakers encouragin­g you to dream big and take big steps. The problem with this thought process is that it’s unsustaina­ble.

Big dreams and big steps work well for the highly motivated (perhaps only two percent of the population). The rest of us need to dream and win small consistent­ly. Some people are struggling to take steps forward or even develop consistent wins.

Who should read this book?

People who want to get ahead and create more personal wins. Those that want to deliver better business results and create supporting conversati­ons may also enjoy this book.

What are you hoping readers take away from it?

This book helps readers to turn negative or problem-focused conversati­ons into optimistic and solution-focused ones. It shares how to develop possibilit­ies in your conversati­ons with others, identify what’s working and move others quickly towards that new reality.

Readers will also learn the exact words to say to overcome difficult conversati­ons and create positive outcomes. This makes the book highly useful and practical if you need to create useful change.

What’s your day job?

I take care of three hyperactiv­e boys, and I’m a speaker. I also run leadership training programmes and strategic planning retreats for clients. They bring in real business issues and I love working with them to deliver business results.

Learn more at smallsteps­tobigchang­es.com.

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