Expat Living (Singapore)


I’ve just received a book in the post written by my uncle. I know a lot of people used lockdown to write, but his is worth mentioning because he’s 90! Not that he has let age affect him too much – he did his PhD when he was 88.


The book is fictional and about football in the UK – when it moved from being local to commercial. It’s set in a small English town (Northwich) where he and mum grew up. I’m looking forward to reading it because he’s got a great sense of humour, but it will also be an insight into the way of life back then. Mum always talks of the dances on Saturday nights. Afterwards, you still had to walk the long walk home, unless you were lucky enough to have a bicycle. My dad lived on the other side of town so he’d have to walk her home … and then walk all the way back to his! Bless him – he was very determined to get her!

Anyway, back to the age thing. My brother-in-law, who still plays cricket here in Singapore, sent me a short video clip the same day I got the book. It was of a 92-yearold Australian who’s still playing competitiv­e cricket and plays tennis three times a week. How brilliant is that!

It made me feel better because I’d been grumbling about being classed as a “senior” in a piece on the radio. Since when did being in your 50s make you senior?

Can’t believe it’s school holidays soon. Some of you lucky ones may be able to travel! Otherwise, we have some online articles of what to do at home. If you know of anyone in quarantine who wants some mags to read, let us know! In this issue, Leanda tells us about her fun “sailcation” and the team reviews a bunch of afternoon teas – though you may have to wait a little while to try them! We also look at lots of complement­ary health options and feature some great outdoor activities for the kids. Happy reading!

 ??  ?? My parents on their wedding day. They were only 22, but he was very keen! They were married 55 years until he died.
My parents on their wedding day. They were only 22, but he was very keen! They were married 55 years until he died.
 ??  ?? REBECCA BISSET Editor-in-Chief
REBECCA BISSET Editor-in-Chief

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