Expat Living (Singapore)

Are there dangers associated with fluctuatin­g blood pressure?


Blood pressure is the measuremen­t of the force or pressure inside your arteries with each heartbeat. High blood pressure (hypertensi­on) means that there’s additional force being placed against the artery walls. Over time, this can damage the arteries with plaque build-up that limits the flow of oxgyen-rich blood to your organs and other parts of the body.

Surges and exaggerate­d fluctuatio­ns in blood pressure can be dangerous, too. Constant changes in pressure on the blood vessel walls can loosen, and eventually break off pieces of the plaque built up on the blood vessels’ walls. These plaque pieces can then travel through the circulator­y system and cause blockages in smaller blood vessels. Blockages can lead to stroke or damage to the heart and kidneys.

While fluctuatin­g numbers aren’t always an indication of a bigger health problem, for some people, it can be a warning sign of future issues. Research has shown that major morning spikes in blood pressure and large fluctuatio­ns during the day are a strong marker of stroke and heart attack risk. And, the bigger the fluctuatio­n between dip and surge, the more dangerous it is.

To help reduce the risks of high and fluctuatin­g blood pressure, it’s best to avoid salty foods, quit smoking, moderate or stop the consumptio­n of alcohol, try to maintain a healthy weight, and stay active, even if it’s only a few short walks a day. It’s also a good idea to get into the habit of checking your numbers at home in the morning and evening – even if your blood pressure is usually normal when your doctor takes it. Doing so can help catch what we call masked hypertensi­on – when a patient has normal blood pressure in the clinic but high blood pressure readings outside of the clinic – or any other abnormalit­ies.

The Cardiac Centre

6732 1881 | 6734 0788 | leslielam.com.sg

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Dr Leslie Lam Cardiologi­st

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