Expat Living (Singapore)




Libra (23 Sep – 22 Oct)

You’ve hit hard times this October. But you’re being asked to keep an open mind to any opportunit­ies there may be around you. This is going to be a test of your inner strength because the lack of empathy from people around you may leave you feeling isolated. Still, what doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger – and that is exactly what will happen. Things will come full circle, and you’ll manage to save your circumstan­ces. If it’s a job you have lost, you’ll find a new one – and possibly a better one. If you’re on the brink of losing your property, you’ll find a workaround to save it. So hang on! Scorpio (23 Oct – 21 Nov)

There is a calling to fill in the gaps in your life. It may be that you’ll need to earn a side income to help with rising costs of living; or it could be a hobby to occupy yourself to curb the feelings of loneliness. Being open to trying anything and everything is your motto this October. Things aren’t all that bad. But you just need to shake off this feeling of “there must be more that I can do”. Sagittariu­s (22 Nov – 21 Dec)

You’re bursting with ideas about plans for your future, and they’ll be keeping you very busy this month. The question is: can you keep up with the pace? You have an idea and you don’t want to waste any time running with it. But without a proper plan in place, lots could go wrong, and you may end up feeling like you’ve bitten off more than you can chew. However, this doesn’t deter you from creating something great for yourself this October. Capricorn (22 Dec – 19 Jan)

You have a grand idea about where you would like to see things in your life, and you believe that it’s truly possible for it to happen. You will stop at nothing to achieve this long-term vision; however, you find yourself being held back from being the best version of yourself in order to achieve these goals. The ideas this month centre around material wealth – a new job, for instance, or a new business venture. Go easy on yourself, acknowledg­e your limiting beliefs or obstacles, and move forward with renewed hope and faith and all will fall into place.

Aquarius (20 Jan – 18 Feb)

You’re looking for a shortcut or a quick win around your long-term finances. Your pension pot isn’t exactly where you hoped it would be and now you need to come up with ideas – and quickly! You have worked hard and done the kinds of things that any honourable human being would do. I’m not suggesting that you go down the dishonesty route; more like spending some time researchin­g options that you might not otherwise get into, or working with someone who is an expert in this field to put a strategy in place for your finances. If none of that suits you, then the odd lottery ticket wouldn’t harm – after all, October is your lucky month!

Pisces (19 Feb – 20 Mar)

The saying “what goes around comes around” rings very true for you this month – in other words, you’ll be on the receiving end of something positive! There is good news around a collaborat­ion, a promotion at work or the completion of a project. There will be much to celebrate as you see the passion and heart that you have put in finally bearing fruit.

Aries (21 Mar – 19 Apr)

There is an end of a chapter this month, which you will welcome greatly. This now gives you the opportunit­y to pursue what you’ve been planning for quite some time. You may be embarking on a business journey of your own and have gathered all the knowledge, resources and finances you need to kickstart this idea. There is much excitement around this as you find yourself finally achieving the emotional fulfilment you’ve been seeking.

Taurus (20 Apr – 20 May)

You have struggled for some time to achieve the kind of success your peers have had. There is nothing stopping your belief in yourself, and with the right mentor or support this month, you seem to have put in place the perfect plan for long-term success. There is a chance this month to build a good foundation to see yourself through to success that will endure for a long time to come. Monetary rewards may not present themselves this month, but it’s going to be okay.

Gemini (21 May – 20 Jun)

Plans to see through a new business venture or seek a new job are underway this month. You are absolutely charged up to act on your plans. This may be unknown territory but nothing will stop you from venturing into the unknown and taking the risks you’re about to take. One word of advice will be to not act on impulse because of the adrenaline rush you’re experienci­ng. Not everything will make sense at the time, so when you do reach such a juncture, go with your instincts.

Cancer (21 Jun – 22 Jul)

You’re entering a phase of rebuilding what you have lost or fixing your current circumstan­ce. This month calls on your unbiased judgement and also the setting aside of your emotions to make decisions that will be better for you in the long run. If it’s a relationsh­ip that needs fixing, then listen rather than reacting. If you want to take charge of a situation and heal or rebuild on what you’ve lost, then you’ll need to lead from the head and not the heart.

Leo (23 Jul – 22 Aug)

All your bold undertakin­gs, and your charisma and courage, have allowed you to achieve what you have. There is a sense of wholeness and completion this month. However, even though you feel like you’re in the best position, you haven’t actually had the chance to enjoy this success. You’ve spent so much time working towards this moment but you haven’t had the chance to spend it with the people you love. So make spending time with your loved ones and yourself a priority this month.

Virgo (23 Aug – 22 Sep)

Nothing will be holding you back from pursuing your ideas this month – even if it means entering unknown territory. Your confidence will skyrocket together with your passion and enthusiasm. There will be an attitude of “no time to waste”. You aren’t superhuman so there will be times where fear and worry will take over. At times like this, it will be best to use your heart to lead the way. Trust yourself and the process, and just go with the flow.

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