Harper's Bazaar (Singapore)


La Prairie’s latest Skin Caviar Eye Lift combines a high-performanc­e formulatio­n with a sensorial texture for the ultimate in luxury skincare


Skincare af icionados are no strangers to La Prairie, the Swiss skincare brand synonymous with luxury, innovation, precision and performanc­e. Since its launch over four decades ago in 1978, the brand has been tirelessly pushing the boundaries of skincare science and boosting the potency of its formulatio­ns with groundbrea­king technology and precious ingredient­s. La Prairie’s focus on innovation continues with its latest product, Skin Caviar Eye Lift, the f irst eye-opening serum for the entire eye area, including the brows, that tightens and redefines your eye contours so you look revived and re-energised. Featuring La Prairie’s exclusive Cellular Complex and Caviar Premier (a blend of active ingredient­s that unlocks the full potential of caviar), it zooms in on the entire eye area, lifting contours, smoothenin­g out f ine lines, reducing puff iness and dark circles, all while boosting skin brightness and elasticit y so that your gaze is raised and reawakened with a refreshed appearance.

With two formulas housed in separate chambers to ensure optimal potency, one encapsulat­ed in La Prairie's iconic gold caviar beads and the other in a tourmaline-pink gel-cream emulsion, each press of the activating pump mixes them via a patent-pending mechanism so they’re freshly blended.

Upon applicatio­n, the silky smooth serum melts into your skin for an immediate tightening and refreshing sensation, adding a pampering step to your daily skincare routine. For added nourishmen­t, follow with Skin Caviar

Luxe Eye Cream to deeply rejuvenate and reawaken your eyes.

 ??  ?? Skin Caviar Eye Lift, $740, La Prairie
Skin Caviar Eye Lift, $740, La Prairie

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