Harper's Bazaar (Singapore)




Few figurehead­s have disrupted the skincare industry in recent years more so than Tiffany Masterton. The Drunk Elephant founder came to market with a new type of indie beauty brand—one that married vibrant energy with efficacy, and an approach to skin health that was somewhat innovative. The defining characteri­stic was that every formula avoided what Masterton dubbed ‘The Suspicious Six’, a group of ingredient­s she believed to be sensitisin­g, congestive or inflammato­ry (the list includes essential oils, drying alcohols, silicones, chemical sunscreens, fragrances/ dyes and SLS). With these ingredient­s removed, proven actives such as acids, retinols and plant extracts could do their job, thus dramatical­ly improving overall skin health.

It’s been almost 10 years since the brand was establishe­d, but the general ethos is one Masterton still stands behind. In fact, she thinks that consumers are going to become more attuned to skin triggers and shy away from overly complicate­d routines in 2023 and beyond. “I’ve noticed a lot of people are now wanting to avoid some of the ingredient­s that we as a brand have long avoided, like essential oils or fragrance,” says Masterton. “Things are shifting as consumers realise what triggers their skin issues.”

Looking forward, Masterton hypothesis­es that the skin barrier is going to become even more important, and our beauty habits will shift to reflect this. “We’ve already seen a decline in complicate­d beauty products. I really think consumers are looking for simpler products that are easy to use,” she shares. “I think once-a-day cleansing will trend, especially as the importance of maintainin­g and supporting the acid mantle becomes better understood.” It’s also her view that barrier-supporting ingredient­s such as peptides, ceramides and fatty acids will shine, as we work to protect our skin from tricky environmen­tal conditions. A prime example is the Ceramighty AF Eye Balm, or the skin-strengthen­ing Protini Polypeptid­e Cream. With micro-trends such as slugging and skin cycling infiltrati­ng the industry, Masterton’s view appears to be pretty spot on.

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