Herworld (Singapore)

5 things to know about cleansing with brushes

As told to LIEU WEI NING by the experts.


1Newbies, take it slow. Start by using an electronic cleansing brush only once or twice a week. Within the first two weeks, sensitive skin may flare up – its way of dealing with the intensive action of unclogging pores and removing dead skin cells. But as your skin gets used to the friction from the bristles, you’ll be less likely to have breakouts.

2How often should you use one? Twice daily, says Dr Calvin Chan, medical director of Calvin Chan Aesthetic & Laser Clinic. It’ll stimulate blood circulatio­n and lymphatic drainage as well as remove dead skin cells.

3Can you over-cleanse and over-exfoliate? Yes. “While clogged pores beg for a good exfoliatio­n, going overboard with cleansing can stress skin and cause oil glands to go into overdrive,” says Dr Elias Tam, founder of and resident doctor at Eha Clinic. How do you know if you are using the cleansing brushes too often? When you see warning signs like broken capillarie­s, or when your skin feels unnaturall­y dry and irritated. So keep the cleansing action to just twice daily.

4Are these tools suitable for everyone? No. Those with broken, red or very inflamed skin should give facial cleansing brushes a miss, says Dr Chan. “Those with a bad case of acne should also skip the brushes. Same goes for those who have undergone aesthetic treatments where downtime is involved, like strong laser or chemical peels.”

5How should you store the gadgets and keep them clean? Dr Chan recommends storing them in a cool, dry place so that they do not become damp breeding grounds for bacteria. He also advises rinsing them with tap water after every use. And, because dirty brushes can cause breakouts, you should clean them once a week with an anti-residue facial cleanser or shampoo to remove soap and dirt build-up. Choose a foaming formula – oil-based ones can leave a layer of oil on the bristles and clog your pores. Also, replace brush heads every three to six months – you don’t want rough, worn-out bristles anywhere near your face.

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