Herworld (Singapore)


Who better to give relationsh­ip advice than someone who has been happily married for 60 years? Ow Koon Chin, 80, reveals his secrets to wedded bliss. Share them with your man! By ARETHA LOH


SPEND TIME TOGETHER “I guess you could say my wife Mary is my  rst love. As kids growing up in the same kampung – her dad owned a rubber plantation in Yio Chu Kang and my family were his tenants – we’d play together. And as teenagers, we worked side by side in the plantation – I was in charge of tapping the rubber trees while Mary had to record the amount of latex collected – and enjoyed long chats as we went about our work. Looking

back, they’re such wonderful, precious moments, as are the memories of our nightly walks to her house after she  nished tuition at my place (she lived just next door). Luckily for me, Mary’s parents were very protective

and didn’t allow her to attend school because it was too far away – that meant I

could see more of her!”


MUST SHOW IT “When it comes to love, I believe actions speak louder than words. I don’t say those three words to Mary, but of course I feel it, and I make sure she’s well taken care of. Whenever we’re out, I’ll walk behind her so I can support her if she falls. I also carry a stool (this doubles as a walking aid) so she can sit when she’s tired – her knees tend to ache if she stands or walks for a long period of time. A few years back, while we were on holiday in Taiwan, a young lady asked if she could take a photo of us. I was puzzled because it was raining and we were in the midst of climbing up a  ight of stairs – I didn’t think the moment was

picture-worthy. However, the lady said she’d spotted us and thought it was really sweet to see me supporting Mary with one hand and sheltering her with an umbrella with the other. She explained that she wanted to capture the moment to show her

husband so he could follow suit.”

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