Herworld (Singapore)

Got a relationsh­ip problem? JASON GODFREY, our man about town, is here to help.


Our man about town, Jason Godfrey, answers all your relationsh­ip questions.

My boyfriend and I have been dating for just over half a year, and he’s more into the relationsh­ip than I am. He’s already talking marriage and kids, whereas I just really enjoy spending time with him and want to see where this takes us. How do I tell him to relax and slow down so there’s not so much pressure on me?

Convention­al wisdom says you should tell him to slow it down, but the Law of Relationsh­ip Attraction (I made this up) works conversely – which means if you do that, it’s guaranteed to make him antsy and lock you down even more. Try this instead: Invite your friends who have kids to breakfast. Let him see how exhausted they are from having no sleep, because their kids have kept them up, and they can’t eat breakfast in peace either. He might back down after seeing what it’s really like.

I’ve been hanging out with this guy for a couple of months. I notice I’m always the one suggesting the dates, or asking him out. He doesn’t take the initiative, yet he doesn’t ever turn me down. What gives? Is he even into me?

Put it this way: Guys don’t typically hang out with girls just because they need friends. To be honest, they’re under a ton of pressure to make things happen romantical­ly. Sounds like your guy is happy to have you take the initiative, so he’s just sitting back and going with it. Don’t sweat it. He’s into you – like a nerd at a Star Wars movie marathon.

I just broke up with my boyfriend. We’ve been together a few years, but I wanted to get married and he didn’t, so we split up. He says he wants to stay friends, but I’m not sure. Is this even possible?

It’s sad to be with someone and share so much, yet never see each other again. So staying friends with your ex is a nice thing. But expect that it will take some time. Tell him you can be friends, but only when you’re ready for it. It could take months or even years before you are – so don’t put pressure on yourself.

 ??  ?? Your man wants a wedding and kids? Give him a reality check. Have more questions about men and their romantical­ly obtuse ways? E-mail Jason at magherworl­d@sph.com.sg, follow him on Twitter (@bigsmileno­teeth) and like his Facebook page at www.facebook.com/bigsmileno­teeth.
Your man wants a wedding and kids? Give him a reality check. Have more questions about men and their romantical­ly obtuse ways? E-mail Jason at magherworl­d@sph.com.sg, follow him on Twitter (@bigsmileno­teeth) and like his Facebook page at www.facebook.com/bigsmileno­teeth.
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