Herworld (Singapore)

Build Your Endurance at F45 Novena



Class size: 27 Duration: 45min Toughness level:

The classes here are a mix of cardio and strength training. On the odd days of the work week, they offer high-intensity cardio workouts and switch to strength training for the other two days. The weekend classes are a mix of strength and cardio – I picked Firestorm Monday.

Trainers Zac and Herman shouted encouragem­ent in a military manner, giving

us a boost of mental fortitude. Very much like the workout itself, the warm-up was equally high in intensity – rapid high knee lifts and jump squats got my heart rate up.

The trainers then demonstrat­ed the different stations and explained that we had to complete two rounds of 22 stations (count ‘em, 22!). The sheer number seemed daunting at first, but because they were timed for 30sec with a 15sec break in between, we could perform the exercises without expiring too quickly. Weighted jumping lunges came first, and just as my quads started burning, it was time to move on to the next station – the mountain climbers. Without thinking, I was already on the mat in a push-up position and lifting my knees as fast as I could.

Zac mentioned that while the exercises are rather easy to understand, stations like the resistance band squats and kettlebell lifts are monitored by trainers to ensure that members don’t injure themselves. Although many of the stations did seem like typical HIIT (high-intensity interval training) ones, small variations target specific muscle groups.

For example, we were given variations at the battle ropes – heavy ropes that you heave up and down. The first one was to be done in a half kneel with short and fast movements to build up stamina, while the second was executed standing upright and in large waves, with your hands going above your head – your arms won’t thank you after this.

Verdict: If you feel that 30sec at each station is too short, you’re wrong. I was panting during and after the class, and all I wanted to do was crash when it ended. I wasn’t the only one, though. Everyone else was seated on the floor, red-faced and tired. Can’t wait to try again!

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