Herworld (Singapore)

Valerie Low , 31

Inspired by her ability to overcome the pain she suffered from, she co-founded The Brave Shapes Co, an all-inclusive gym that caters to all ages.


Once I realised that there’s a fun way to get better and that pain isn’t permanent, I wanted to get better and take charge of my body.

BBeing able to do a German hang on pull-up rings, assisted pull-ups, and ab leg-lifts might not be a big deal for many, but it is for me. I suffered from scoliosis at a young age and was never interested in working out because of the chronic pain in my back. Now, being able to exercise, which is a personal milestone, helps to alleviate the dull ache. It took two years of self-perseveran­ce, doing a programme of light bodyweight exercises. This inspired me to co-set up The Brave Shapes Co in 2015 – an all-inclusive wellness gym that caters to all ages, including those who’re handicappe­d. I want to give others the privilege of having a safe space to get fit, with a curated gym programme.

I believe that regaining your physical strength will uplift you. My then condition before I could do any exercise affected my lifestyle, which was sedentary. The pain on my back increased as I grew older. Things got worse when I suffered a slip disc in a fall in 2014. A year later, I got into a car accident and suffered whiplash and mild amnesia.

I consulted physiother­apists and chiropract­ors, but my body didn’t respond well to the treatments, and going for surgery was the last thing on my mind.

I went through a gym programme, from squats and assisted push-ups to strengthtr­aining like pull-ups and ab workouts with weights, curated by my husband Evans Wu, an ex-triathlon athlete. He was nearly left crippled in 2007 when his bicycle collided with an oncoming car.

Working out and running my gym made me realise that life is fleeting. You have to try doing things you never thought you would do. Once I realised that there’s a fun way to get better and that pain isn’t permanent, I wanted to get better and take charge of my body.

 ??  ?? Hair & Makeup
Lolent Lee, using Shiseido
Hair & Makeup Lolent Lee, using Shiseido

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