Herworld (Singapore)

Got a relationsh­ip problem? Jason Godfrey, our resident guy expert, is here to help.


Is that your phone in your pocket, or are you glad to see me?

Is it problemati­c that my partner watches porn often?

How often is often? A little porn never hurt anyone. But these days, with the buffet of internet porn available, a little can become a lot really quickly. And it can become problemati­c, giving people a skewed sense of what relationsh­ips and sex are supposed to be. Have a chat with your partner and see if you can convince them to at least cut back on the porn. It’s not just for you, but for them too. Living in a porn-saturated world isn’t normal, and cutting it out can make your sex lives better and more fulfilling.

How do I talk to my new boyfriend about the dating apps still on his phone?

I suggest you say something like: “Hey, Dick (even if his name isn’t Richard, I suggest you call him Dick in this instance), if you’re my boyfriend, why do you still have dating apps on your phone?!” This is a completely fair question to ask. And he had better give you a good answer – perhaps he was in a coma and woke up, and was about to delete them, because other than that, there is no good reason to keep his dating apps. Hopefully, it’s just him slowly letting go of bachelorho­od, and he’ll happily delete them to concentrat­e on being with you. But if he doesn’t, feel free to call him Dick again right before you tell him to hit the road.

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